Draw grammar as SVG, HTML, or TeX
Compiles and runs on Linux, and OS X. I am using Ubuntu 12.4 for Linux, and Mountain Lion for OS X. A compiler supporting C++11 is needed (g++ 4.6 or better, or clang 4.0 or better).
On Linux, you will need lua and lua-posix (packages are usually available for Linux, look for lua and liblua-posix). Ninja is used as the build tool. DParser is used as the parsing tool for the grammar file.
Here are the location for the required tools:
- http://lua.org
- http://files.luaforge.net/releases/luaposix/luaposix
- http://martine.github.com/ninja/
- http://dparser.sourceforge.net/
There is a Makefile provided, but ninja is really used to compile. Once the requirements are installed, simply run "make" to compile. There's a single executable in the directory build/bin/draw_grammar
You can also use "make debug" which will create an executable in debug/bin/draw_grammar.
The configure script is in fact a lua script. You do not need to invoke this script, the Makefile will call configure for you. It will search for the required libraries and programs, and create a build, release, and debug directory. There is currently no difference between build and release.
Here is what a sample grammar file looks like:
"Sample EBNF"
optional = one | two | three .
one_or_more = < x ~ "," > .
zero_or_more = { x } .
And the rendered SVG file: