This module extends the moodle assignment to provide support for comparative judgement (CJ). Comparative judgement is an approach to assessment that offers an alternative to traditional marking, and this module has been specifically designed to support peer assessment and feedback. Students submit their work and then are presented with pairs of their peers' work and are asked simply to decide which is ‘better’ in terms of a high-level criterion such as 'problem solving' or ‘understanding of trigonometry’ or ‘quality of writing’. Many such pairwise decisions from the cohort are then used to produce a ranking of the submissions from which the module generates a score for each submission.
Documentation is available.
- What is comparative judgement (CJ) and why would you use it?
- How to use this particular CJ implementation as part of the Moodle assignment module.
- [Advice on practical pedagogy](docs/], including using CJ as a research tool.
Notes for developers are also provided.
This plug-in was funded by the Centre for Mathematical Cognition at Loughborough University, and developed by Andrew Hancox and Ian Jones with input from Chris Sangwin.
If you are interested in using comparative judgement for assessment, learning or research purposes please contact Ian Jones who is dead keen on getting people to use comparative judgement and who will be very pleased to hear from you.
You need the following three components.
- Clone this module into
- Make sure the command line
is available on your server. Instructions for Ubuntu 18 are below.
Install xcode tools:
xcode-select --install
Download the latest version of R from (R-4.4.2-arm64.pkg)
Install the dependencies:
cd MOODLEROOT/mod/assign/submission/comparativejudgement/lib
sudo Rscript prereqs.R
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb bionic-cran40/'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install r-base
If running remotely, first copy over the R scripts:
Create the folder structure
ssh _username_@_servername_ "mkdir -p ~/mod/assign/submission/comparativejudgement/lib"
Copy the files
scp *.R _username_@_servername_:~/mod/assign/submission/comparativejudgement/lib
Then (local or remote) run the prereqs script to install required libraries into your R environment:
sudo Rscript prereqs.R
Local version:
cat docs/exampledecisions.csv | Rscript lib/pipeablescript.R > docs/oput.csv
Remote version:
cat docs/exampledecisions.csv | su - WEBSERVERUSERCONTEXT -c 'ssh _username_@_servername_ "Rscript pipeablescript.R"'