This package provides the keystone_limits
Python module, which
contains the keystone_preprocess()
preprocessor, the
limit class, and the KeystoneTurnstileMiddleware
replacement middleware class, all for use with Turnstile. These
pieces work together to provide class-based rate limiting integration
with keystone. To use, you must configure the Turnstile middleware with
the following configuration:
[filter:turnstile] paste.filter_factory = turnstile.middleware:turnstile_filter turnstile = keystone_limits:KeystoneTurnstileMiddleware preprocess = keystone_limits:keystone_preprocess = <your Redis database host>
Then you must add the turnstile filter to your pipelines:
[pipeline:public_api] pipeline = turnstile token_auth admin_token_auth xml_body json_body debug ec2_extension public_service [pipeline:admin_api] pipeline = turnstile token_auth admin_token_auth xml_body json_body debug ec2_extension crud_extension admin_service
In order to read and write limits, you need to use the turnstile
and load_limits
commands. Sample configuration and
limit files are provided in the etc/ directory:
setup_limits etc/keystone_limits.conf etc/default_limits.xml dump_limits etc/keystone_limits.conf loaded_limits.xml cat loaded_limits.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <limits> <limit class="keystone_limits:KeystoneClassLimit"> <attr name="rate_class">tokens</attr> <attr name="queries"/> <attr name="unit">minute</attr> <attr name="uri">/tokens</attr> <attr name="use"/> <attr name="uuid">d8b13e95-4a15-4816-aefd-cb5cef1e78da</attr> <attr name="value">2</attr> <attr name="verbs"> <value>POST</value> </attr> </limit> </limits>
These values are configurable in the XML. After you've changed them,
they need to be reloaded into the redis database using the
With the above configuration, the middleware will limit requests to the
URL to 2 POSTs per minute.
You can set up additional rules using the Routes syntax.
For example, keeping the example above, in case you wanted to limit all
the other requests using a different rule, you could add another limit
to the configuration file (and then reload using setup_limits
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <limits> <limit class="keystone_limits:KeystoneClassLimit"> <attr name="rate_class">tokens</default> <attr name="unit">minute</attr> <attr name="uri">{everything:.*}</attr> <attr name="value">10</attr> </limit> </limits>
Requests are limited based on incoming IP address.