According to the TDD methodology, I had to prepare tests first and then add the business codes, but since I first understood the flow in the project and then turned to possible scenarios, I added the tests later. You can check my commit history for the solution steps.
- Create a console app and wrote an algorithm that works on happy path.
- Refactored the one class app.
- Adding application loops.
- Refactored the project for Unit Test applicable.
- Adding Unit Tests.
Open CLI in the project folder and run the below comment.
PS MarsRover> dotnet run --project MarsRover.ConsoleApp
- Enter the dimension: 'Integer Integer' => 5 5
- Enter the rover position and direction: 'Integer Integer Direction' => 1 2 N N: North, E: East, S: South, W: West
- Enter the rover instructions: 'LMLMMLLMM' => L: Left, R: Right, M: Move
- add: adding new rover on the plateau
- go: result of the locations and directions of the rovers
- exit: closed the programme.
- ASP.NET Core 5
- C# 9.0
- FluentValidation
- XUnit, FluentAssertions, Moq
- Have dimensions true format? 5 5
- Has the rover position and direction true format? 1 2 N
- Is the rover position in the plateau after the position and direction installing?
- Has the rover instructions true format? LMLMLMLMM
- Is the rover's location still on the plateau after the instructions?
- Does the newly added rover have the same location as another rover?
Enter the dimensions:
5 C 5
Please write the dimension of the plateau on Mars. For example: 5 5
Enter the dimensions:
5 5 C
Please write the dimension of the plateau on Mars. For example: 5 5
Enter the dimensions:
5 5
Enter the rover position and direction:
1 2 C
Please write the rover position and direction correctly. For example: 5 5 N, N: North, E: East, S: South, W: West
Enter the rover position and direction:
1 6 N
The rover is not in the plateau after instructions!!
Enter the rover position and direction:
1 2 N
Enter the rover instructions:
The rover is not in the plateau after instructions!!
Enter the rover position and direction:
1 2 N
Enter the rover instructions:
Rover added to the plateau on Mars!
If you want to add one more rover, please write 'add'. If It is enough, please write 'go'.
Enter the rover position and direction:
1 2 N
Enter the rover instructions:
Please change the instructions. Newly added rover in same location as another rover!!
Enter the rover position and direction:
3 3 E
Enter the rover instructions:
Rover added to the plateau on Mars!
If you want to add one more rover, please write 'add'. If It is enough, please write 'go'.
Results of the locations and directions of the Rovers:
1 3 N
5 1 E
If you want to continue the program, press any key or write 'exit' for closing programme
Program closed!