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2019 02 19 Task 3 Building modelling subgroup meeting

InaDJ edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

Task 3 Building modelling subgroup meeting

Date: February 19, 2019, 5pm Brussels time (UTC+1)


  • Short overview of encountered issues
  • In-depth discussion of issues still to be tackled



Present: Ina De Jaeger , Alessandro Maccarini, Michael Mans (notes), Igor Sartori, Øystein Rønneseth, Enora Garreau

Open Issue General

  • Final plots for the Building simulation paper will be in colors (Ina)

Open Issue Results

  • There might be some issues with the occupancy schedule, Ina send the actual time series of the occupancy for the first day.
  • Maybe there is a schedule smoothing which might be the problem there (IDA-ICE)
  • Maybe there is some time change between summer and winter time. Oystein and Igor will test if they can turn it off in IDA-ICE
  • There are still some differences, but they might be not that important
  • For a first conclusion, we can see that we need to revise the model description and discuss whether information needs to be available or not, Ina therefore creates a google spread sheet (link) and everyone states if they needed and used the information to achieve the result they simulated, duplicated further information will be included in the documentation as well as definite necessary information for specific modelling tools
  • In general we all agree on not going more in detail on the simulation errors, as we all meet the same main characteristics

More specific issues

  • Satisfied with the definition of peak power? (Yes)

  • Initialization problematic:

    • use a certain temperature (for now no)
    • use the same time of initialization (Yes, we agree on the last two weeks of the year, for Dymola users: use a negative start time)
  • Ina is doing some investigations on solver behavior

  • Oystein send the actual used .epw file to everyone and Ina pushes it to github

  • Discussion about whether some information is necessary or not will be rescheduled to the Aachen meeting, BUT we all need to fill out the google spread sheet first, that we can find a fast agreement. In general, there will be an updated description of the modelling exercise after the Aachen meeting, to help future modellers to achieve the same results. Whether it is with detailed descriptions or with some sort of Q&A where we list already known issues and state that these issues are not the focus of this investigation.

  • Which format should we use in the future to document the building models? (Ina will have a look at citygml till the Aachen meeting and all the others should think about that too)


  • @All Sign in the google spread sheet (if we need the information for modelling or not, to improve description)
  • @All redo simulation with initialization time agreed above until end of march that we can look at it in Aachen
  • Clean up the Github page and description
  • Serve a actual time series for the occupancy profile
  • Add .epw file to github
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