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2018 08 21 Task 3 NM Meeting

Bram van der Heijde edited this page Aug 21, 2018 · 3 revisions


Task 3 Coordination Meeting

Date: August 21, 2018, 2pm Brussels time (UTC+2)


  • Network simulation with error
  • Implementation of UESgraphs
  • Comparison of network model IBPSA pipe/splitters
  • Suggest free presentations
  • Update on other activities


Present: Felix Bünning, Konstantin Filonenko, Annelies Vandermeulen, Bram van der Heijde, Yauheni Kachalouski

Network simulation issue

  • Temperatures drop below zero because of fixed deltaT
    • Increase leakage flow (this works, simulation succeeds)
  • AddPowerToMedium: probably not a solution here

Implementation of uesgraphs

  • Short discussion; package looks really useful for visualisation
  • To check: can we use it to automatize generation of modelica code?

Comparison of IBPSA pipe model with other models

  • Comparison IBPSA/Splitter: will be elaborated further
  • Felix presents results IBPSA/dynamic pipe model
    • Automatic generation of network design parameters in csv, which can be read in modelica automatically
    • Testing same solver, varying tolerance: the heat input required varies rather strongly. Heat losses are 2 orders of magnitude lower and vary less relatively.
      • Could be an issue with the MSL integrator block? Will be checked further

Suggest free presentations

Suggestions can be sent to Dirk Saelens directly.

  • Results of simulations within WP3
  • Konstantin: heat pump model validation?
  • Felix: heat load forecasting using neural networks, using modelica to check results

Update on other activities

  • Building Systems Conference 2019: Dirk will submit abstract for WP3
  • Konstantin is also preparing an abstract

Action points

  • Feel free to send in more suggestions for free presentations for Paris meeting
    • Bram, Felix, Konstantin will be present, Yauheni not sure yet, others???
  • Gather results of simulation exercise in a short presentation for the next WP3 coordination meeting (but Felix and Bram will not be there)
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