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To run the example project, clone the repo, in the Example folder open RxGesture.xcworkspace.

You might need to run pod install from the Example directory first.

NB: Currently this library uses the latest beta of RxSwift 3.0.0 so it's a pre-release software.

NB: If you're using the RxGesture CocoaPod in a Swift 3 project add this snippet to the bottom of your project's Podfile. This will update your targets to use swift3:

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        target.build_configurations.each do |config|
            config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.0'
            config.build_settings['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.10'

RxGesture allows you to easily turn any view into a tappable or swipeable control like so:

myView.rx.gesture(.tap).subscribe(onNext: {_ in
   //react to taps

You can also react to more than one type of gesture. For example to dismiss a photo preview you might want to do that when the user taps it, or swipes up or down:

myView.rx.gesture(.tap, .swipeUp, .swipeDown).subscribe(onNext: {_ in
   //dismiss presented photo

rx_gesture is defined as Observable<RxGestureTypeOption> so what it emits is the concrete type of the gesture that was triggered (handy if you are observing more than one type)

On iOS RXGesture supports:

  • .tap
  • .swipeLeft, .swipeRight, .swipeUp, .swipeDown
  • .longPress
  • .pan(.began), .pan(.changed), .pan(.ended), .pan(.any)
  • .rotate(.began), .rotate(.changed), .rotate(.ended), .rotate(.any)

On OSX RXGesture supports:

  • .Click
  • .RightClick
  • .pan(.began), .pan(.changed), .pan(.ended), .pan(.any) (if used in one call to rx.gesture until NSGestureRecognizer implements rx.event)
  • .rotate(.began), .rotate(.changed), .rotate(.ended), .rotate(.any) (if used in one call to rx.gesture until NSGestureRecognizer implements rx_event)

If you are writing multi-platform code you can eventually write:

myView.rx.gesture(.tap, .click).subscribe(...)

to observe for the concrete gesture on each platform.

Continuous gestures

Some recognizers fire a single event per gesture and don't provide any values. For example .Tap just lets you know a view has been tapped - that's all.

Other recognizers provide details about the gesture (that also might be ongoing). For example the pan gesture will continuously provide you with the offset from the initial point where the gesture started:

myView.rx.gesture(.pan(.changed)).subscribe(onNext: {[weak self] gesture in
    switch gesture {
    case .pan(let data):
	    print("offset: \(data.translation)")
    default: break

Pattern match the associated value of type PanConfig to get the translation, velocity, and a ref to the recognizer itself.

The demo app includes examples for all recognizers.


This library depends on both RxSwift and RxCocoa.


RxGesture is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "RxGesture"


  • can use help about adding tests - UI tests aren't my strongest side
  • make pr to rxcocoa to add native support for rx.event to NSGestureRecognizer and remove the implementation from this repo


Everyone in the RxSwift Slack channel 💯


RxGesture is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


RxSwfit reactive wrapper for view gestures







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  • Swift 96.2%
  • Ruby 3.8%