UI Framework for iCar Asia's Projects.
- Alert
- Arrow
- Avatar
- Breadcrumb
- Button
- Card
- Carousel
- Chips
- Collapse
- Drawer
- Dropdown
- Form
- Form Float
- Modal
- Pagination
- Popover
- Rating
- Step
- Tab
- Table
- Toast
- Tooltip
- SVG Icons
- Align
- Background
- Border
- Clearfix
- Display
- Divider
- Flex
- Float
- Height
- Hide
- Loader
- Opacity
- Overflow
- Position
- Rounded
- Shadow
- Spacing
- Text
- Transition
- Width
To extends, develop or contribute to this component, you're required to fork our main repository and made a pull request.
Development tools required for this component are: