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MOOn-IV Instruction Set Architecture

The Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) of a processor is the set of operations that it can interpret and execute. The MOOn-IV is a RISC processor with a 16-bit word. That means that the instructions are simpler and are 16-bit long. Its ISA is divided into five instruction formats (based on the instructions fields) and seven instruction subsets (based on the operation type).

Instruction Formats

The opcode (operation code) field is used to determine the instruction to be executed. The remaining fields depend on the instruction type. We have the N-type (No Operation type), which only has the opcode as a field, and only the No Operation instruction is part of this type. The R-type instructions (Register type) are register-use instructions in the 3-address model (destination receives operand 1 operation operand 2). The terms ac and rf refer to the address of a register in the ac and rf register banks, respectively. The I-type (Immediate type) instructions are immediate instructions (immediate value passed in the imm field) in the 2-address model (destination receives destination operation operand) to allow for an 8-bit immediate value instead of just 4-bits as in the 3-address model. The S-type (Shift type) contains shift instructions, with the shamt field (Shift Amount) receiving the shift value. Finally, there is the J-type (Jump type), which has a 10-bit immediate value field for jumps. The fields for each instruction type are listed in the table bellow.

Format Meaning Fields
N-Type No Operation opcode(15-10)
R-Type Register opcode(15-10) &ac(9-8) $rf1(7-4) &rf2(3-0)
I-Type Immediate opcode(15-10) &ac(9-8) imm(7-0)
S-Type Shift opcode(15-10) &ac(9-8) $rf1(7-4) shamt(3-0)
J-Type Jump opcode(15-10) imm(9-0)

Instructions Subsets

In its subsets, we have seven groups. They are listed in the tables bellow.

No Operation

The nope instruction is used to perform no operation.

Instruction Mnemonic Type Opcode Fields Meaning
No Operation nope N 000000 opcode(15-10) No operation

Logical and Arithmetic Operations

The logical and arithmetic operations are used to perform arithmetic and logical operations on the registers. Their format is a three address instruction, where the result is stored in the accumulator register.

Instruction Mnemonic Type Opcode Fields Meaning
Addition add R 000001 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = rf1 + rf2
Subtraction sub R 000010 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = rf1 - rf2
NOT not R 000011 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4) ac = NOT rf1
AND and R 000100 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = rf1 AND rf2
OR or R 000101 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = rf1 OR rf2
XOR xor R 000110 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = rf1 XOR rf2
NAND nand R 000111 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = rf1 NAND rf2
NOR nor R 001000 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = rf1 NOR rf2
XNOR xnor R 001001 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = rf1 XNOR rf2
Set on Less Than slt R 010101 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) If rf1 < rf2 then ac = 1 else ac = 0
Test for Multiplication tmul R 001101 rf2(3-0) If lo(0) == ‘1’ then hi = hi + rf2; hilo >> 1 else hi, lo >> 1
Test for Division tdiv R 001110 rf2(3-0) If hi >= rf2 then hi = hi - rf2; hilo << 1 with '0' else hi, lo << 1 with '1'

Shift Operations

Shift operations are used to shift the bits of the register to the left or right. The shift amount (shamt) is a 4-bit immediate value.

Instruction Mnemonic Type Opcode Fields Meaning
Shift Left Logical sll S 001010 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), shamt(3-0) ac = rf1 << shamt
Shift Right Logical srl S 001011 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), shamt(3-0) ac = rf1 >> shamt
Shift Right Arithmetic sra S 001100 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), shamt(3-0) ac = signed(rf1) >> shamt

Move Operations

Move operations are used to move the content between bank registers.

Instruction Mnemonic Type Opcode Fields Meaning
Move To Low mtl R 001111 ac(9-8) lo = ac
Move From Low mfl R 010000 ac(9-8) ac = lo
Move To High mth R 010001 ac(9-8) hi = ac
Move From High mfh R 010010 ac(9-8) ac = hi
Move To AC mtac R 010011 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4) ac = rf1
Move From AC mfac R 010100 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4) rf1 = ac

Immediate Operations

Immediate operations are used to perform arithmetic and logical operations with immediate values. This instruction format is a two address instruction, where the result is stored in the accumulator register.

Instruction Mnemonic Type Opcode Fields Meaning
Addition Immediate addi I 010110 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = ac + ((imm(7), 8) & imm)
Subtraction Immediate subi I 010111 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = ac - ((imm(7), 8) & imm)
AND Immediate andi I 011000 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = ac AND ("00000000" & imm)
OR Immediate ori I 011001 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = ac OR ("00000000" & imm)
XOR Immediate xori I 011010 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = ac XOR ("00000000" & imm)
NAND Immediate nandi I 011011 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = NOT (ac AND ("00000000" & imm))
NOR Immediate nori I 011100 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = NOT (ac OR ("00000000" & imm))
XNOR Immediate xnori I 011101 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = NOT (ac XOR ("00000000" & imm))
Load Lower Immediate lli I 011110 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = "00000000" & imm
Load Upper Immediate lui I 011111 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = imm & "00000000"
Load Signed Immediate lsi I 100000 ac(9-8), imm(7-0) ac = (imm(7), 8) & imm

Memory Access Operations

Memory access operations are used to load and store data from and to the memory.

Instruction Mnemonic Type Opcode Fields Meaning
Load Word Register lwr R 100001 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) ac = memory[rf1 + rf2]
Store Word Register swr R 100010 ac(9-8), rf1(7-4), rf2(3-0) memory[rf1 + rf2] = ac
Push push R 100011 ac(9-8) sp = sp - 1; memory[sp] = ac
Pop pop R 100100 ac(9-8) ac = memory[sp]; sp = sp + 1

Control Operations

Control operations are used to control the flow of the program.

Instruction Mnemonic Type Opcode Fields Meaning
Jump Relative jr J 100101 imm(9-0) pc = pc = pc(15-10) & imm
Jump Relative and Link jrl J 100110 imm(9-0) lk = pc + 1; pc = pc(15-10) & imm
Jump Absolute ja R 100111 rf1(7-4) pc = rf1
Jump Absolute and Link jal R 101000 rf1(7-4) lk = pc + 1; pc = rf1
Branch Greater Than Zero bgtz I 101001 rd(9-8), imm(7-0) If ac > 0 then pc = (pc + 1) + imm
Branch Less Than Zero bltz I 101010 rd(9-8), imm(7-0) If ac < 0 then pc = (pc + 1) + imm
Branch Equal To Zero beqz I 101011 rd(9-8), imm(7-0) If ac == 0 then pc = (pc + 1) + imm
Branch Not Equal To Zero bnez I 101100 rd(9-8), imm(7-0) If ac != 0 then pc = (pc + 1) + imm
Branch Greater Than Zero Register bgtzr R 101101 rd(9-8), rf1 If ac > 0 then pc = rf
Branch Less Than Zero Register bltzr R 101110 rd(9-8), rf1 If ac < 0 then pc = rf
Branch Equal To Zero Register beqzr R 101111 rd(9-8), rf1 If ac == 0 then pc = rf
Branch Not Equal To Zero Register bnezr R 110000 rd(9-8), rf1 If ac != 0 then pc = rf