c8fontgen - abbreviated from Chip-8 Font Generator, is a tiny pixel editor that allows you to generate custom chip-8 fonts. Chip-8 Sprites are 4x5, 1-bit coded, and formatted as a simple array of bytes. Chip-8 only uses the first or higher nibble to encode the fonts. You will notice that the numerical output has it's lower nibble set to zero, always.
- 16 Pixel Editors for each sprite.
- Completely written in pure C.
- Dark/Light Themes.
- raygui
- raylib
- cmake (build)
Both of the following themes are adaptations from the default (light) and cyber theme that can be found in rGuiStyler. The adaptations only change toggle theme colors.
- LightC8
- Support font generation for other Chip-8 Variants.
- More themes
- Bidirectional font editing ( Pixels <-> Bytes )