Zevios is original CPU of ICF3-Z. It is 8bit CPU which is implemented with a very small number of transistors, and works in areas that cannot be achieved with a 32bit CPU. "16bit divided 8bit" can be executed in 17 cycles. With conditions, "24bit divided 8bit" can be executed in 17 cycles. It has 16-bit compression instruction that is user defined. Its instruction also be used as a function like a virtual machine.
icarus verilog
Xilinx Vivado
Other verilog
Board : Arty
FPGA : Xilinx XC7A35TICSG324-1L
tool : Vivado 2019.2
option | LUT | FF | BRAM | LUT-RAM | Freq |
Area | 390 | 197 | 1.5 | 10 | 150MHz |
Area | 406 | 197 | 1.5 | 10 | 160MHz |
Perf | 481 | 197 | 1.5 | 10 | 175MHz |
BRAM 1.5 = 1 (Program Memory 4KB) + 0.5 (Data Memory 2KB) + 0 (micro code)
Data Memory include Register and Scratchpad memory.
https://icf3z.idletime.tokyo (Japanese)
Unless otherwise noted, everything in this repository is covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for full text).
Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Naoki Hirayama
The ICF3-Z project aims not to use Japanese taxes.
ICF3-Z & Zevios
E-mail : icf3z@idletime.tokyo