Shillong Travels is a website where where we make booking vehicles easy with a feature to select seats to reserve for effortless booking.
- Desktop and Moblile Friendly
- Making seat reservations
- Post cab services
- Online Payment using PayPal
- Issues and Complaints Box
- As good as getting Real-time Updates
- Feature to check personal booking details
- Booking Cancellation
The web app uses the following technologies:
- MongoDB
- ExpressJS
- Angular
- Node.js
- PayPal Checkout Integration (ngx-paypal)
- Mongoose library
- JSON Web Tokens library
- mLab Database Service
- Heroku for deployment
- DataFire Integration
- Icon made by freepik from
- Node.js
- Heroku Cli
Run the following commands to install all dependencies
npm install
Run the following commands to build the project
ng build --aot --prod
Run heroku local web
to serve the web app