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A nodejs module to access listings from UCI's schedule of classes, WebSoc. This API allows access to school, department, course, and section data in a hierarchical JSON format.


Requires NodeJS 12

$ npm install --save websoc-api


Retrieving class listings

async callWebSocAPI(options)

To retrieve class listings, you just call the function you imported, callWebSocAPI and pass in an object-literal that configures what you're looking for, such as department, term, division etc.


Descriptions found here

Name Formatting Notes
term [Year] ['Fall'|'Winter'|'Spring'|'Summer1'|'Summer2'|'Summer10wk']
Example: '2017 Fall'
Default: ' '
Required. Schedule for your selected term must be available on WebSoc.
ge ['ANY'|'GE-1A'|'GE-1B'|'GE-2'|'GE-3'|'GE-4'|'GE-5A'|'GE-5B'|'GE-6'|'GE-7'|'GE-8']
Example: 'GE-1B'
Default: ' '
Must specify at least one of department, GE, courseCodes, or instructorName
department List of available departments to search available in file depts.txt
Example: 'I&C SCI'
Default: ' '
Must specify at least one of department, GE, courseCodes, or instructorName
courseNumber Any valid course number or range
Example: '32A' OR '31-33'
Default: ' '
division ['ALL'|'LowerDiv'|'UpperDiv'|'Graduate']
Example: 'LowerDiv'
Default: 'ALL'
sectionCodes Any valid 5-digit course code or range
Example: "36531" OR "36520-36536"
Default: ' '
Must specify at least one of department, GE, courseCodes, or instructorName
instructorName Any valid instructor last name or part of last name
Example: 'Thornton'
Default: ' '
Enter last name only
courseTitle Any text
Example: 'Intro'
Default: ' '
sectionType ['ALL'|'ACT'|'COL'|'DIS'|'FLD'|'LAB'|'LEC'|'QIZ'|'RES'|'SEM'|'STU'|'TAP'|'TUT']
Example: 'LAB'
Default: 'ALL'
units Any integer or decimal with only tenths place precision, or 'VAR' to look for variable unit classes only.
Example: '5' OR '1.3'
Default: ' '
days ['M'|'T'|'W'|'Th'|'F'] or a combination of these days
Example: 'T' OR 'MWF'
Default: ' '
startTime Any time in 12 hour format
Example: '10:00AM' OR '5:00PM'
Default: ' '
Only enter sharp hours
endTime Any time in 12 hour format
Example: '12:00AM' OR '6:00PM'
Default: ' '
Only enter sharp hours
maxCapacity Exact number like '300' or modified with '<' or '>' to indicate less than specified or greater than specified.
Example: '>256' OR '19' OR '<19'
Default: ' '
fullCourses ['ANY'|'SkipFullWaitlist'|'FullOnly'|'OverEnrolled']
'SkipFullWaitlist' means that full courses will be included if there's space on the wait-list
'FullOnly' means only full courses will be retrieved
'OverEnrolled' means only over-enrolled courses will be retrieved
Default: 'ANY'
cancelledCourses ['Exclude'|'Include'|'Only']
Example: 'Include'
Default: 'EXCLUDE'
building Any valid building code
Example: 'DBH'
Default: ' '
The value is a building code. Building codes found here:
room Any valid room number
Example: '223'
Default: ' '
You must specify a building code if you specify a room number


// Import the module
import { callWebSocAPI } from 'websoc-api';

//Specify our search parameters
const opts = {
    term: '2019 Fall',
    GE: 'GE-2',
    instructorName: 'Pattis'

// Call the module, and when the promise resolves, print out the JSON returned
const result = await callWebSocAPI(opts);

Using retrieved data

The API serves its data in a hierarchical manner. The top level object is schools. Each school in the array contains departments, which contains courses, which contain sections.


Field Type Notes
schoolName string The name of the school like 'Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science'
schoolComment string
departments array of Department objects


Field Type Notes
deptName string The name of the department like 'Informatics'.
deptCode string The code of the department like 'IN4MATX'.
deptComment string Comments that the department put on WebSoc.
courses array of Course objects
sectionCodeRangeComments array Comments associated with a range of sections.
courseNumberRangeComments array Comments associated with a range of courses.


Field Type Notes
courseNumber string Course number, like '33'.
courseTitle string Course title, like 'INTERMEDIATE PRGRMG'.
courseComment string
prerequisiteLink string Link to the registrar's page where prerequistes are listed
sections array of Section objects


Field Type Notes
sectionCode string
sectionType string
sectionNum string
units string
instructors array
meetings array of objects with fields "days", "time" and "bldg" If the meeting is "TBA", the field "days" will be "TBA" and the others will be empty strings.
finalExam string
maxCapacity string
numCurrentlyEnrolled object with fields "totalEnrolled" and "sectionEnrolled" When a course is crosslisted, it will have both fields filled, otherwise, "sectionEnrolled" will be an empty string.
numOnWaitlist string
numRequested string
numNewOnlyReserved string
restrictions string The restriction code definitions can be found here
status string
sectionComment string


A nodejs module to access listings from UCI's schedule of classes





Contributors 4
