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A framework for assisting in the renovation of iOS componentization


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  1. With the increasing demand from the community to support Swift, the Swift 5.0 binary library also has better stability and compatibility performance. Based on community feedback and internal discussions, the Huolala technical team has decided to use the Swift version routing component for open source internal business, which will form a complete iOS solution with the Objective-C version routing component released in August 2023.

  2. The TheRouter open-source team will focus on maintaining and upgrading the Swift version of TheRouter. At the same time, it will continue to support the ease of use of the Objective-C version, and welcomes community contributions.

  3. For users using the Objective-C version of The Router, it is recommended to fix the version to version 1.0.0 to ensure stability.


TheRouter: A tool for decoupling and communication between modules, registering routes and opening routes based on the Swift protocol for dynamic lazy loading. In addition, it supports finding corresponding modules through Service-Protocol, and using protocol for dependency injection and module communication.

  • 1. Page navigation jump ability: support regular vc or Storyboard push/present/popToTaget/windowNavRoot/modalDismissBeforePush jump ability;
  • 2. Automatic registration router capability: Lazy load dynamic registration route, only when the first call OpenURL dynamic registration;
  • 3. Export Route Mapping File: Support exporting the routing mapping relationships in the project as documents, support JSON and Plist formats, and facilitate developers to perform dual end summary, comparison, and recording;
  • 4. Automatic registration services capability: dynamic registration of services, automatic injection using runtime;
  • 5. Hard-coded elimination: Converts the registered path to a static string constant for business use;
  • 6. Dynamic capability: Support to add emphasis direction, remove redirection, dynamic add route, dynamic remove route, interceptor, error path repair, etc.
  • 7. Chain programming: Support chain programming to concatenate urls and parameters;
  • 8. Adaptation Objective-C : OC classes can dynamically register in Swift using inheritance to follow the protocol.
  • 9. Service call: Support local service call and remote service call;
number desc instanceCode
1 Supports Lazy loading route lazyRegisterRouterHandle Dynamic registration only occurs when OpenURL is first called
2 Supports Utilize Swift features for protocol oriented programming TheRouterServiceProtocol TheRouterableProtocol
3 Supports Dynamic registration without manual registration TheRouterManager.addGloableRouter([".LA"], url, userInfo)
4 Support for dependency injection and automatic registration of services TheRouter.registerServices() TheRouterServiceManager.registerService(serviceName)
5 Supports Dynamic registration and protocol invocation of services TheRouter.fetchService(AppConfigServiceProtocol.self)
6 Supports independent initialization of a single module ModuleProtocol moduleSetUp()
7 Support for exporting routing mapping files TheRouter.writeRouterMapToFile
8 Support redirection, remove redirection, dynamically add routes, dynamically remove routes, and fix error paths TheRouter.addRelocationHandle
9 Support interceptors TheRouter.addRouterInterceptor
10 Support calling OC route in Swift project OC classes can be dynamically registered in Swift using inheritance to follow protocols
11 Support for global failure monitoring TheRouter.globalOpenFailedHandler
12 Support for routing and service log callback TheRouter.logcat(_ url: String, _ logType: TheRouterLogType, _ errorMsg: String)
13 Support security checks during route registration period TheRouterManager.routerForceRecheck() Client mandatory verification, whether it matches, triggering assertion if it does not match
14 Support backend calls to client services TheRouter.openURL() Service interface distribution,MQTT,JSBridge
15 Support for chain calling"scheme://router/demo").withInt(key: "intValue", value: 2).navigation()
16 Supports opening routing callback closures"scheme://router/demo").withInt(key: "intValue", value: 2).navigation(_ complateHandler: ComplateHandler = nil)
17 Support non chain calling to open routing callback closures TheRouter.openURL("" ) { param, instance in }


With the increasing demand of the project, the increasing number of developers has brought many problems:

  • The module division is not clear, and any developer will call and modify the code implementation of other modules to meet their own business needs.

  • Difficult maintenance. Different services of the same component are scattered in different parts of the project, which is not conducive to unified maintenance, modification and replacement.

  • Module owner cannot be clear, resulting in multiple maintenance of the same function, resulting in conflict.

After the other pieces are split up to the remote side, then the local code between them is not able to rely on each other, so it is necessary to pass a tool, and then to achieve the ability of transparent service. We need a middleware to handle these issues. Routing transfers the coupling and solves the dependency between services by adding an intermediate layer mapping relationship.

What does a mature route look like

  1. After service componentization, each module of the whole project needs to be decoupled. After upgrading the remote end, how to solve the jump between interfaces? Routing Api

  2. Dynamically register routes. Manual registration is not required. Dynamic registration of services without manual registration.

  3. What is the solution to the uphop unification problem? Uses unified URL mapping to process

  4. If a fault occurs during service forwarding, how can I modify the service forwarding logic? How can services be degraded? Remote delivery configuration, modified the forward URL

  5. The service is abnormal, and the h5 interface is displayed. Redirect

  6. If the App redirection fails, how can I go to the same local error page? Unified failure handling

  7. How to add forced business logic processing before the jump, such as service adjustment, you must perform some operations before entering. Redirect

  8. There are a lot of pre-hops in the business, such as login before you can go to the order list. How to achieve this? Interceptor

  9. How to test whether each forward service is normal? Route Path verification

  10. How to put the most frequent service forward to reduce the number of queries? Increase priority

  11. The local service is called through the route, and the remote service is called through the route Support service call

Overall design idea

In order to keep consistent with the Android side, the URL and class registration are used to achieve. Query the template information saved in the array by URL matching, find and obtain the corresponding instance, and perform the jump operation.

Use intro preview

How to install

Add the following entry in your Podfile:

   pod 'TheRouter', '1.1.0'

Swift Restricted version

 Swift5.0 or above

TheRouter usage

  1. Sign up

Since automatic registration capabilities have been implemented, developers do not need to add routes themselves, just do the following.

/// 实现TheRouterable协议
extension TheRouterController: TheRouterable {
   static var patternString: [String] {
   static func registerAction(info: [String : Any]) -> Any {
       let vc =  TheRouterController()
       vc.qrResultCallBack = info["clouse"] as? QrScanResultCallBack
       vc.resultLabel.text = info.description
       return vc

/// 在AppDelegate中实现懒加载的闭包
// 路由懒加载注册
TheRouter.lazyRegisterRouterHandle { url, userInfo in
    TheRouterManager.injectRouterServiceConfig(webRouterUrl, serivceHost)
    return TheRouterManager.addGloableRouter([".The"], url, userInfo)

// 动态注册服务

// 日志回调,可以监控线上路由运行情况
TheRouter.logcat { url, logType, errorMsg in
    debugPrint("TheRouter: logMsg- \(url) \(logType.rawValue) \(errorMsg)")

OC The form of the annotation

Here is a list of the ways OC uses annotations, which Swift does not support due to its lack of dynamism.

- (UIViewController *)homePage{
    // Do stuff...

Swift registered routing

In Swift, we all know that Swift does not support annotations, so how to solve Swift dynamic registration routing, we use the runtime traversal in the project to find a routing protocol to automatically register the class.

public class func registerRouterMap(_ registerClassPrifxArray: [String], _ urlPath: String, _ userInfo: [String: Any]) -> Any? {
        let expectedClassCount = objc_getClassList(nil, 0)
        let allClasses = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>.allocate(capacity: Int(expectedClassCount))
        let autoreleasingAllClasses = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>(allClasses)
        let actualClassCount: Int32 = objc_getClassList(autoreleasingAllClasses, expectedClassCount)
        var resultXLClass = [AnyClass]()
        for i in 0 ..< actualClassCount {
            let currentClass: AnyClass = allClasses[Int(i)]
            let fullClassName: String = NSStringFromClass(currentClass.self)
            for value in registerClassPrifxArray {
                if (fullClassName.containsSubString(substring: value))  {
                    if currentClass is UIViewController.Type {
    #if DEBUG
                    if let clss = currentClass as? CustomRouterInfo.Type {
                        assert(clss.patternString.hasPrefix("scheme://"), "URL非scheme://开头,请重新确认")
        for i in 0 ..< resultXLClass.count {
            let currentClass: AnyClass = resultXLClass[i]
            if let cls = currentClass as? TheRouterable.Type {
                let fullName: String = NSStringFromClass(currentClass.self)
                for s in 0 ..< cls.patternString.count {
                    if fullName.hasPrefix(NSKVONotifyingPrefix) {
                        let range = fullName.index(fullName.startIndex, offsetBy: NSKVONotifyingPrefix.count)..<fullName.endIndex
                        let subString = fullName[range]
                        pagePathMap[cls.patternString[s]] = "\(subString)"
                        TheRouter.addRouterItem(cls.patternString[s], classString: "\(subString)")
                    } else {
                        pagePathMap[cls.patternString[s]] = fullName
                        TheRouter.addRouterItem(cls.patternString[s], classString: fullName)
        return TheRouter.openURL(urlPath, userInfo: userInfo)

To avoid invalid traversal, we pass registerClassPrifxArray specifying that we traverse the class containing these prefixes. Once it is UIViewController.Type, it is stored and then checked to see if it complies with the TheRouterable protocol. If yes, it is automatically registered. No manual registration required.

Lazy load of route registration

A bad thing about dynamic registration is that it is dynamically registered at startup. The time for registering in TheRouter is delayed and it is registered when the App passes TheRouter.openURL () for the first time. It will determine whether the route has been loaded, load it if not, and then open the route.

public class func openURL(_ urlString: String, userInfo: [String: Any] = [String: Any]()) -> Any? {
    if urlString.isEmpty {
        return nil
    if !shareInstance.isLoaded {
        return shareInstance.lazyRegisterHandleBlock?(urlString, userInfo)
    } else {
       return openCacheRouter((urlString, userInfo))

// MARK: - Public method
public class func openURL(_ uriTuple: (String, [String: Any])) -> Any? {
    if !shareInstance.isLoaded {
        return shareInstance.lazyRegisterHandleBlock?(uriTuple.0, uriTuple.1)
    } else {
        return openCacheRouter(uriTuple)

public class func openCacheRouter(_ uriTuple: (String, [String: Any])) -> Any? {

    if uriTuple.0.isEmpty {
        return nil

    if uriTuple.0.contains(shareInstance.serviceHost) {
        return routerService(uriTuple)
    } else {
        return routerJump(uriTuple)

How can OC classes also enjoy Swift routes

This is an OC class interface, the implementation of the route jump needs to inherit OC class, and implement the TheRouterAble protocol

@interface TheRouterBController : UIViewController
@property (nonatomic, strong) UILabel *desLabel;

@interface TheRouterBController ()


@implementation TheRouterBController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
    [self.view addSubview:self.desLabel];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

public class TheRouterControllerB: TheRouterBController, TheRouterable {

    public static var patternString: [String] {

    public static func registerAction(info: [String : Any]) -> Any {
        let vc =  TheRouterBController()
        vc.desLabel.text = info.description
        return vc

Individual registration

TheRouter.addRouterItem(RouteItem(path: "scheme://router/demo?&desc=简单注册,直接调用TheRouter.addRouterItem()注册即可", className: "TheRouter_Example.TheRouterController"))

TheRouter.addRouterItem(["scheme://router/demo?&desc= Simple registration, directly call TheRouter.addRouterItem() registration ": "TheRouter_Example.TheRouterController"])

TheRouter.addRouterItem("scheme://router/demo? & desc = simple registration ", classString: "TheRouter_Example. TheRouterController")

TheRouter.addRouterItem(TheRouterApi.patternString, classString: TheRouterApi.routerClass)

TheRouter.addRouterItem(TheRouterAApi.patternString, classString: TheRouterAApi.routerClass)

Bulk registration

TheRouter.addRouterItem(["scheme://router/demo": "TheRouter_Example.TheRouterController",
                    "scheme://router/demo1": "TheRouter_Example.TheRouterControllerA"])

2. Remove


3. Open

Different methods are declared, mainly for obvious differentiation, internal uniform call openURL

Facilitate constructor chain opening routes

let model = TheRouterModel.init(name: "AKyS", age: 18)"scheme://router/demo")
    .withInt(key: "intValue", value: 2)
    .withBool(key: "boolValue", value: false)
    .withFloat(key: "floatValue", value: 3.1415)
    .withBool(key: "boolValue", value: false)
    .withDouble(key: "doubleValue", value: 2.0)
    .withAny(key: "any", value: model)
.withInt(key: "intValue", value: 2)
.withString(key: "stringValue", value: "sdsd")
.withFloat(key: "floatValue", value: 3.1415)
.withBool(key: "boolValue", value: false)
.withDouble(key: "doubleValue", value: 2.0)
.withAny(key: "any", value: model)
.navigation { params, instance in

Enable the common route mode

public class TheRouterApi: CustomRouterInfo {

    public static var patternString = "scheme://router/demo"
    public static var routerClass = "TheRouter_Example.TheRouterController"
    public var params: [String: Any] { return [:] }
    public var jumpType: LAJumpType = .push

    public init() {}

public class TheRouterAApi: CustomRouterInfo {

    public static var patternString = "scheme://router/demo1"
    public static var routerClass = "TheRouter_Example.TheRouterControllerA"
    public var params: [String: Any] { return [:] }
    public var jumpType: LAJumpType = .push

    public init() {}

public class func openWebURL(_ uriTuple: (String, [String: Any])) -> Any? {
    return TheRouter.openURL(uriTuple)

public class func openWebURL(_ urlString: String,
                             userInfo: [String: Any] = [String: Any]()) -> Any? {
    TheRouter.openURL((urlString, userInfo))

Primitive form incoming route and append parameter

TheRouter.openURL(("scheme://router/demo1? id=2&value=3&name=AKyS&desc= Directly call TheRouter.addRouterItem() registration can be, support single registration, batch registration, dynamic registration, lazy loading dynamic registration ", ["descs": "Add parameters "]))

Parameter passing mode

let clouse = { (qrResult: String, qrStatus: Bool) in
    print("\(qrResult) \(qrStatus)")
    self.view.makeToast("\(qrResult) \(qrStatus)")
let model = TheRouterModel.init(name: "AKyS", age: 18)
TheRouter.openURL(("scheme://router/demo?id=2&value=3&name=AKyS", ["model": model, "clouse": clouse]))

4. Global failure mapping

TheRouter.globalOpenFailedHandler { info in

5. Intercept

For example, unified interception in the case of no login: log in before jumping the message list, and jump to the message list after logging in successfully.

 let login = TheRouterLoginApi.parttingString
 TheRouter.addRouterInterceptor([login], priority: 0) { (info) -> Bool in
       if LALoginManger.shared.isLogin {
             return true
       } else {
             return false

After successful login, delete the interceptor.

6. The Path and class are correctly and securely verified

// MARK: - 客户端强制校验,是否匹配
public static func routerForceRecheck() {
    let patternArray = Set(pagePathMap.keys)
    let apiPathArray = Set(apiArray)
    let diffArray = patternArray.symmetricDifference(apiPathArray)
    assert(diffArray.count == 0, "URL 拼写错误,请确认差集中的url是否匹配")

    let patternValueArray = Set(pagePathMap.values)
    let classPathArray = Set(classMapArray)
    let diffClassesArray = patternValueArray.symmetricDifference(classPathArray)
    assert(diffClassesArray.count == 0, "classes 拼写错误,请确认差集中的class是否匹配")

7. Pit route registration -KVO

A class name mismatch occurred during the local verification of classes. Check the cause: In order to avoid route registration at startup, affecting the startup speed, the lazy loading method is adopted, that is, the route interface is registered and then jumped when it is opened for the first time. However, before we dynamically register, because KVO (Key-Value Observing) is added to a certain class, this class changes its className to NSKVONotifying_xxx during the pass. We need special treatment, as follows

/// 对于KVO监听,动态创建子类,需要特殊处理
public let NSKVONotifyingPrefix = "NSKVONotifying_"

if fullName.hasPrefix(NSKVONotifyingPrefix) {
    let range = fullName.index(fullName.startIndex, offsetBy: NSKVONotifyingPrefix.count)..<fullName.endIndex
    let subString = fullName[range]
    pagePathMap[cls.patternString[s]] = "\(subString)"
    TheRouter.addRouterItem(cls.patternString[s], classString: "\(subString)")

Dynamic call routing

Under the above routing capability, we hope that the App can dynamically add routes, delete routes, redirect routes, tune up local services through routes, and remotely tune up App services through routes, and then carry out dynamic expansion.

Redirection function

Define the routing delivery model data structure

public struct TheRouterInfo {
    public init() {}
    public var targetPath: String = ""
    public var orginPath: String = ""
    // 1: 表示替换或者修复客户端代码path错误 2: 新增路由 3:删除路由, 4: 重置路由
    public var routerType: TheRouterReloadMapEnum = .none 
    public var path: String = "" // 新的路由地址
    public var className: String = "" // 路由地址对应的界面
    public var params: [String: Any] = [:]

When redirection data is delivered remotely, the service logic that switches to the white screen is switched to the yellow screen.

let relocationMap = ["routerType": 1, "targetPath": "scheme://router/demo1", "orginPath": "scheme://router/demo"] as NSDictionary
TheRouterManager.addRelocationHandle(routerMapList: [relocationMap])

Redirect recovery

In a business, business adjustments are often made, so redirects need to be removed if they need to be restored after a redirection.

let relocationMap = ["routerType": 4, "targetPath": "scheme://router/demo", "orginPath": "scheme://router/demo"] as NSDictionary
TheRouterManager.addRelocationHandle(routerMapList: [relocationMap])

The route Path was dynamically restored.

Procedure In actual development, the developer enters the wrong route Path carelessly, and normal service forwarding cannot be performed after going online. In this case, the remote route needs to be delivered for matching. scheme://router/demo3 is the correct path, but the path of the incorrectly written route is scheme://router/demo33. In this case, you need to create a new path for mapping.

let relocationMap = ["routerType": 2, "className": "TheRouter_Example.TheRouterControllerC", "path": "scheme://router/demo33"] as NSDictionary
TheRouterManager.addRelocationHandle(routerMapList: [relocationMap])
let value = TheRouterCApi.init().requiredURL

Routes match different Android-based paths

In actual development, once the URI is used in this way, involving the two ends, there can be a problem of inconsistency on the two ends, so how to solve it, you can solve it by adding a new route path locally, or you can solve it by sending a new route remotely.

public class TheRouterControllerB: TheRouterBController, TheRouterable {

    public static var patternString: [String] {

    public static func registerAction(info: [String : Any]) -> Any {
        let vc =  TheRouterBController()
        vc.desLabel.text = info.description
        return vc

How to declare and implement services

The service uses runtime dynamic registration, so you don't have to worry about the service not being registered. Just use it like the above case.

public class func registerServices() {
    let expectedClassCount = objc_getClassList(nil, 0)
    let allClasses = UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>.allocate(capacity: Int(expectedClassCount))
    let autoreleasingAllClasses = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<AnyClass>(allClasses)
    let actualClassCount: Int32 = objc_getClassList(autoreleasingAllClasses, expectedClassCount)
    var resultXLClass = [AnyClass]()
    for i in 0 ..< actualClassCount {
        let currentClass: AnyClass = allClasses[Int(i)]
        if (class_getInstanceMethod(currentClass, NSSelectorFromString("methodSignatureForSelector:")) != nil),
           (class_getInstanceMethod(currentClass, NSSelectorFromString("doesNotRecognizeSelector:")) != nil),
           let cls = currentClass as? TheRouterServiceProtocol.Type {
            TheRouterServiceManager.default.registerService(named: cls.seriverName, lazyCreator: (cls as! NSObject.Type).init())

The route invokes the local service

How to declare and implement services

public protocol AppConfigServiceProtocol: TheRouterServiceProtocol {
    // 打开小程序
    func openMiniProgram(info: [String: Any])

final class ConfigModuleService: NSObject, AppConfigServiceProtocol {
    static var seriverName: String {
        String(describing: AppConfigServiceProtocol.self)
    func openMiniProgram(info: [String : Any]) {
        if let window = UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window {
            window?.makeToast("打开微信小程序", duration: 1, position: window?.center)

Call Service

 if let appConfigService = TheRouter.fetchService(AppConfigServiceProtocol.self){
     appConfigService.openMiniProgram(info: [:])

Route the remote end to invoke the local service: service interface delivery, MQTT,JSBridge

let dict = ["ivar1": ["key":"value"]]
let url = "scheme://services?protocol=AppConfigServiceProtocol&method=openMiniProgramWithInfo:&resultType=0"
TheRouter.openURL((url, dict))
public class func routerService(_ uriTuple: (String, [String: Any])) -> Any? {
   let request = TheRouterRequest.init(uriTuple.0)
   let queries = request.queries
   guard let protocols = queries["protocol"] as? String,
           let methods = queries["method"] as? String else {
       assert(queries["protocol"] != nil, "The protocol name is empty")
       assert(queries["method"] != nil, "The method name is empty")
       shareInstance.logcat?(uriTuple.0, .logError, "protocol or method is empty,Unable to initiate service")
       return nil
   // 为了使用方便,针对1个参数或2个参数,依旧可以按照ivar1,ivar2进行传递,自动匹配。对于没有ivar1参数的,但是方法中必须有参数的,将queries赋值作为ivar1。
   shareInstance.logcat?(uriTuple.0, .logNormal, "")
   if let functionResultType = uriTuple.1[TheRouterFunctionResultKey] as? Int {
       if functionResultType == TheRouterFunctionResultType.voidType.rawValue {
           self.performTargetVoidType(protocolName: protocols,
                                                  actionName: methods,
                                                  param: uriTuple.1[TheRouterIvar1Key],
                                                  otherParam: uriTuple.1[TheRouterIvar2Key])
           return nil
       } else if functionResultType == TheRouterFunctionResultType.valueType.rawValue {
           let exectueResult = self.performTarget(protocolName: protocols,
                                                  actionName: methods,
                                                  param: uriTuple.1[TheRouterIvar1Key],
                                                  otherParam: uriTuple.1[TheRouterIvar2Key])
           return exectueResult?.takeUnretainedValue()
       } else if functionResultType == TheRouterFunctionResultType.referenceType.rawValue {
           let exectueResult = self.performTarget(protocolName: protocols,
                                                  actionName: methods,
                                                  param: uriTuple.1[TheRouterIvar1Key],
                                                  otherParam: uriTuple.1[TheRouterIvar2Key])
           return exectueResult?.takeRetainedValue()
   return nil

Would you consider Swift5.9 Macros?

From the current implementation architecture, lazy loading combined with dynamic registration has solved the performance issues during registration. Even if it is necessary to traverse the entire engineering classes and process the relevant logic, it will not exceed 0.2 seconds. The reason why the path can be obtained through Class is because static variables are declared for the class.

/// 实现TheRouterable协议
extension TheRouterController: TheRouterable {
    static var patternString: [String] {
    static func registerAction(info: [String : Any]) -> Any {
        let vc =  TheRouterController()
        vc.qrResultCallBack = info["clouse"] as? QrScanResultCallBack
        vc.resultLabel.text = info.description
        return vc


HUOLALA mobile technology team


TheRouter is available under the Apache2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.



A framework for assisting in the renovation of iOS componentization







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