Off.js is short for "One File Framework": off.js it's a small component framework, including the essentials tools for creating light projects.
Visit the sandbox example:
import off, { html } from ''
const render = off(document.querySelector('.playground'))
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
// ES Module
import off from ''
# for bundle projects
npm install -S off-js
yarn add off-js
createElement -> (render) mount compoenent -> invoke actions
const ShowCount = (render, props = {}) => {
const { count = 0 } = props
<p>Actual counter: ${count.toString()}</p>
<p>This value is set in "Props"</p>
// call with props
ShowCount(render, { count: 5 })
import { html, createEvent } from ''
import Home from '../app'
const state = {
count: 0
export default (render) => {
const actions = () => {
const remove = document.querySelector('.remove')
const add = document.querySelector('.add')
const count = document.querySelector('.count')
const removeEvent = createEvent.prevent(remove, 'click', (_ev) => {
count.innerHTML = state.count.toString()
const addEvent = createEvent.prevent(add, 'click', (_ev) => {
count.innerHTML = state.count.toString()
// return all event for clean before unmount (event|[events])
return [removeEvent, addEvent]
<p>This component preserves the state after unmounting</p>
<h3 class="count">${state.count.toString()}</h3>
<button class="remove"> - </button>
<button class="add"> + </button>
`, actions)
The html
metod call without parentheses, this method write only for support this pluging es6-string-html and use HTML color syntax.
- Router
- useRender (call render on any site)
- More Docs