University project, a military monitoring system consisted of the following subsystems:
- PublicKeyInfrastructure - spring boot app for creating, manipulating and distributing certificates.
- SiemAgent - spring boot app, simulates a program used for reading OS logs and sending them to the Siem Center.
- SiemCenter - spring boot app, used to gather, filter and process logs, and trigger alarms occasionally.
- SiemCenterKjar - dependency for storing drools rules for alarm triggering.
- Simulator - python project, stores logs in a special folder in order to simulate healthy app state, and malicious state.
- PKI-client - angular app that communicates with the PublicKeyInfrastructure. An administrator creates, views and distributes certificates.
- Siem-center-client - angular app that communicates with the SiemCenter. The operator views reports, logs and alarms, while the admin also creates rules to trigger alarms.
External services:
- Keycloak - user authentication and authorization.
- Download and start keycloak server.
- Navigate to localhost:8080, configure PKI and SiemCenter realms defined in
- Start PublicKeyInfrastructure front end and back end servers.
- Download server certificates, and distribute them to the SiemCenter and SiemAgent truststore and keystore to establish https.
- SiemCenterKjar - perform maven clean, install and package.
- SiemCenter - perfrom maven clean and install and run front end and back end server.
- SiemAgent - start the server.
The pages listed below contain information that helped us develop the application: