- 🌱 My Stepik Profile -> https://stepik.org/users/36193792
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Name | Description | Tools |
libft(improved version) | Standart libary of C (string.h + othrer fun) | Сlear C, malloc, write, Make |
c_matrix | Matrix lib of C | Сlear C, Make |
c_math | Math lib of C (copy math.h) | Сlear C, Make |
netwhat | Test for Network Protocol | |
NetPractice | Configuring Routers | |
get_next_line | Read one line (\n) | read, malloc, free, static variable |
ft_printf | Original C function printf | va_arg, va_list, va_end |
minitalk | Server and Client | signal ,sigemptyset, sigaddset, sigaction, kill, getpid, malloc, free, pause, sleep, usleep, exit |
ft_server | Lifting the docker container with the site | Docker/Nginx/MySql/PhpMyAdmin/WordPress |
Fdf | Graphics | mlx library, libft, math |
miniRT | Ray Tracing | mlx library, thread, libft, linear algebra |
libasm | Standart Libary in Assembler | make, Nasm compiler, system calls |
minishell | Copy Standart Terminial Bash | fork, execuve, dup2, pipe, termacps, opendir, kill, wait ... |
dr-quine | A quine is a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output | Algo, MACRO, system, open, Makefile |
born2beroot | System Administration | Debian, bash, ssh, UFW, crone, linux |
ft_services | Ft_services will introduce you to Kubernetes. | K8S, Minikube and Docker, container:Nginx, WordPress, Ftps, GRafana |
Inception | Inception for educatiopn Docker compose | Docker Compose, DockerFile, container with Nginx, container with mariaDB, container with WordPress |
ft_Philosophers | Philosophers for multithreading | mutex,pthread create/join/ detach, semaphore, fork |
CPP | CPP modules | basic OOP C++ |
CPP_Matrix | CPP_Matrix | Matrix algebra in CPP |
FT_STL | STL/Standart Library C++, faster than the original | clear C++ 98 |
ft_irc | Internet Relay Chat | C++, socket,accept, epoll,poll, select, kqueue |
WebServ | HTTP Server (GET/POST/PUT)(minimal copy nginx) | C++, socket,accept, epoll,poll, select, kqueue |
FT_LINEAR_REGRESSION | Realization linear regression, Analitic, Iterative solve | math, numpy, neptune (for logging) |
FT_LOGISTICS_REGRESSION | Realization logistics regression, Analitic, Iterative solve | math, numpy, neptune (for logging) |
tweets | This project is an introduction to natural language processing: bag of words, TFIDF, stemming, lemmatization, stop-words, cosine similarity, n-grams, word2vec | python3, pandas, numpy, scikit-learn |
TexrAnalyzer | Emotion Recognition , Conversation recognition not prohibited topics, filtering obscene language, filtering parasite words | python3, torch, numpy, Bert |
psp-game | Simple game for PlayStation Portable (In progress) Why? I can do it | psp-g++(C++) and PSP SDK |