Auroris Tools Bot
This is an open source discord tools bot published by the Auroris Development Team geared towards the sneaker community! It has a ton of features, including a twitter success poster, fee calculator, delay calculator, size converter, alternate gmail generator, proxy scraper, shopify link builder, bot download links, funko price searcher, stockx price searcher, goat price searcher, and an alternate address generator.
Please feel free to message me on discord at Blue#9588 if you have any questions! You can also contact us on our twitter, at
To run:
Install python from
Once installed, run: pip install requests urllib3 asyncio proxybroker extruct w3lib beautifulsoup4 tweepy
Once you've done all of that, create a twitter developer account at and get your twitter consumer key, twitter consumer secret, twitter access token, and twitter access token secret. Paste these into their respective fields in config.json.
Once you've done all that, go to line 62 on the code for and change the field from url="{}" to your twitter account's username.
For all of the code under async def on_message(message), make sure that you change the channel id in bot.get_channel(id=602677420495208471) to whichever success channel you're trying to post to.
StockX command compiled and edited from:
Goat command's source was taken down from github.