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The GenderService associates Users with Genders.


  • Genders The Genders table contains a set of genders that are dynamically-creatable by a User. The columns for the Genders table are as follows:

    name, the name of the gender, can be NULL nominative, the Nominative pronoun, He/She/Ae accusative, the Accusative pronoun, Him/Her/Aer pronomial_possessive, the Pronomial Possessive pronoun, His/Her/Aer predicative_possessive, the Predicative Possessive pronoun, His/Hers/Aers reflexive, the Reflexive pronoun, Himself/Herself/Aerself

    The Genders table has a has_many relationship with the Users table.

    The Genders table has a unique constraint across all the keys, so there cannot be duplicate genders.

    By allowing users to create their own genders, we will get submissions such as Apache Attack Helicopter, and FuckGender. This is fine by me tbh.

  • Users The Users table is a map of user_id to gender using foreign keys

    Columns: user_id

    belongs_to Genders


  • GET /genders A list of all created Genders without references to Users.
  • POST /genders/create The URL used to create Genders.
  • GET /genders/:gender_id Retrieves pronouns for the Gender.
  • PUT /genders/:gender_id The URL used to assign Users to Gender.
    payload = %{
      "user_id" => 123,

To start your Phoenix app:

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.

Learn more


Network/GenderService for the Social Network API






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