Starter kit for projects with MongoDB, PHP and Redis.
This starter kit includes the following containers and configurations for them:
- PHP (8.2.4 fpm)
- Redis (alpine)
- MongoDB (6.0.5)
- Supervisor (based on PHP container)
- Nginx like web-server
Provide the following resources for Docker to work correctly:
- RAM: 2G and more
- CPU: 2 cores and more
- Storage: 6G and more
- Swap: 512M and more
All default environment variables are located by paths:
- docker/environments/.env.example - for build containers
- docker/environments/ - for your applications
For simple project management, we recommend using the commands from the Makefile. For show all make commands write in your terminal:
make help
For open container terminal write in your terminal:
# php container
make php
# supervisor container
make supervisor
# MongoDB container
make mongo
Stop all containers:
make stop
Start all containers:
make start
Restart all containers:
make restart
Rebuild all containers:
make reload
To initialize Docker containers and install composer and npm packages, write in your terminal:
make env
make init
cp docker/environments/.env.example .env
cp docker/environments/
docker network create \
--driver=bridge \
docker-compose build --no-cache
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it "$(PROJECT_NAME)-php" composer install
docker exec -it "$(PROJECT_NAME)-php" npm install
- Initialization and first run will take 5 minutes or more, depending on the characteristics of your hardware and the resources allocated to Docker
- Write your code or install framework and then more
- It is recommended to use root or src as working directory
- The entry point will be the file public/index.php
- In the public directory, you can place all public files, such as robots.txt, sitemap.xml, etc.
- Frontend assets will be in the directory assets