This program implements the PSMC for genotype likelihoods. The program is under development. Consider current version a beta version.
Dependencies: htslib
git clone
git clone
cd ngsPSMC;make HTSSRC=../htslib/;cd ..
Before running ngsPSMC you will need to generate the input files. This is done using ANGSD with the command below:
./angsd/angsd -i input.bam -dopsmc 1 -out psmcinput -gl 1 -minq 20 -minmapq 30
Here -gl 1 indicates the SAMtools genotype likelihood model.
For validating the program we simulated data like below:
msHOT 2 1000 -t 8196 -r 1355 3000000 -l -eN 0.01 0.05 -eN 0.0375 0.5 -eN 1.25 1.0 -T >msraw
./angsd/misc/msHOT2glf -in msraw -out sim.d8 -win 100 -psmcfa 1 -psmc2 1 -do_seq_glf 0 -err 0.005 -depth 8
./ngsPSMC input.psmc.idx -p "1*4+25*2+1*4+1*6" -dospline 0 -nthreads 8 -nIter 20 -init 1 -theta 0.000233095 -rho 0.005357
Where input are the output from either sim.d8.psmc.idx or psmcinput.psmc.idx
You can also specify the output from the original PSMC as input:
./ngsPSMC input.psmc.idx -infile output.from.psmc -dospline 0 -nthreads 8 -nIter 20
There are two options: to initialise all the parameters similar to the original PSMC, or to read them from another PSMC file with -infile
option (e.g. if you already have another high-coverage sample).
Notice that theta (mutation rate) and maxT (last non-inifinite time point in the time discritisation) are not optimised in our version.
If you do not use -infile
option, it is highly recommended to specify theta if you run ngsPSMC with an organism other than humans.
One can calculate it by the simple formula theta=2N_0mu*binsize (N_0 is a reference effective population size, e.g. 10000, mu is the mutation rate per basepair per generation, binsize is the window length.
If -infile
is used, there is a possibility to choose which round of optimisation is used for initialisation. To choose the last round use -rd -1
You can specify the intitial population size with -init popsize
- Optimization of rho is currently disabled.
- Be carefull with the binsize (default 100) when comparing results between different winsizes. (binsize part of theta)
-dolinear [0,1] linear is much faster if there are many states
-tole tolerance for breaking
-winSize window size
-infile filename for PSMC output
-RD which round of optimization to use if using -infile
-nThreads number of threads, program will not be able to utilize more threads than number of chromosomes
-p PSMC style pattern
-dospline [0,1] use splines instead of 'pattern'
-ms debug pars
-nSites debug pars
-seed seed for random number generator
-init initial popsize
-rho (initial) rho
-max_t maximum time, coalescence times will be set similar to PSMC
-nChr debug pars
-nSites debug pars
-r limit analysis to specified chromosome