It is a repository for example, include code for creating EBS snapshots for AWS EC2 instances based on tags.
- Discovery EC2 instances based on tags - role:etcd
- Parse []*ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput and create ec2 objects based on your custom structure Ec2object
- Create EBS Snapshot and tag it for non-root Volumes without stop EC2 instance
Note: Ec2 root volumes should be created in EC2 stopped state
GO environment should be configured, check by command below
$ go env
$ git clone
$ go get -v .
$ cd aws_ec2_golang
$ change Makefile according to your OS (default is Linux)
$ make build
Go to AWS Managment Console EC2 Tab\
Tag EC2 instance:
- key: role
- Value: etcd
Note: you can change in code and replace by os.Getenv("tagValue")
$ ./goEbsSnap
Check in AWS Managment ConsoleSnapshots Tab! Done