A static site generator for PHP.
Basically a simpler Jekyll clone, with some PHP/Twig flavour. Written because @msvrtan was not happy about using a Ruby tool for generating ZgPHP web pages.
Create scaffolding for a new site:
starship init /path/to/site
To generate an existing site, in the site folder run:
starship build
To serve a site using the PHP dev server:
starship serve
├─── _config.yml
├─── index.html
├─── _posts
│ ├─── 2014-01-01-my-first-post.md
│ └─── 2014-01-03-my-second-post.textile
├─── _drafts
│ └─── 2014-01-07-my-third-post-in-progress.md
├─── news
│ ├─── index.html
│ └─── _posts
│ ├─── 2013-10-19-breaking-news.md
│ └─── 2013-10-24-unbreaking-news.md
├─── _includes
│ ├─── footer.html
│ ├─── navigation.html
│ └─── sidebar.html
└─── _templates
├─── base.html
└─── post.html