This is currently a work in progress
CSSBundle will enable you to add your CSS files properly in your templates using "stylesheet" and "stylesheets" tags It will
- minify and merge your css file in a production environment
- allow you to write your CSS file as twig templates, in order to manage variables in and write more clever CSS in a "LESS" fashion
- adds CSS3 compatibility so that you don't have to write 4 different instruction for your border-radius and gradiant stuff
git submodule add git:// src/vendor/CSSBundle git submodule update --init
Then add the module to the Kernel : in the registerBundles method add
new Bundle\CSSBundle\CSSBundle()
Then, declare the module in your application's configuration file. In YML you'll do
css.config: ~
The next and last step will be to add the bundle's routes to your routing configuration. In a routing.yml file, you'll write
css: resource: CSSBundle/Resources/config/routing/main.xml prefix: /css
And now you are ready to play ! For more informations, please read the Resources/doc/index.rst file.
- Clean up code
- Write a minifier renderer
- Write Useful Twig tags (like import)
- Write CSS3 Twig tags
- Add documentation
- Add javadoc to every method