This Quarto template is based on the original MDPI LaTeX template:
To create a new article using this format:
quarto use template ihrke/mdpi
This will create a new directory with an example document that uses this format.
To add this format to an existing document:
quarto add
Then, add the format to your document options:
mdpi-pdf: default
All regular options are supported. In addition, the following options are available:
: one of "submit", "accepted"article_type
: one of abstract, addendum, article, book, bookreview, briefreport, casereport, comment, commentary, communication, conferenceproceedings, correction, conferencereport, entry, expressionofconcern, extendedabstract, datadescriptor, editorial, essay, erratum, hypothesis, interestingimage, obituary, opinion, projectreport, reply, retraction, review, perspective, protocol, shortnote, studyprotocol, systematicreview, supfile, technicalnote, viewpoint, guidelines, registeredreport, tutorialmdpi_journal
: One of the acoustics, actuators, addictions, admsci, adolescents, aerobiology, aerospace, agriculture, agriengineering, agrochemicals, agronomy, ai, air, algorithms, allergies, alloys, analytica, analytics, anatomia, animals, antibiotics, antibodies, antioxidants, applbiosci, appliedchem, appliedmath, applmech, applmicrobiol, applnano, applsci, aquacj, architecture, arm, arthropoda, arts, asc, asi, astronomy, atmosphere, atoms, audiolres, automation, axioms, bacteria, batteries, bdcc, behavsci, beverages, biochem, bioengineering, biologics, biology, biomass, biomechanics, biomed, biomedicines, biomedinformatics, biomimetics, biomolecules, biophysica, biosensors, biotech, birds, bloods, blsf, brainsci, breath, buildings, businesses, cancers, carbon, cardiogenetics, catalysts, cells, ceramics, challenges, chemengineering, chemistry, chemosensors, chemproc, children, chips, cimb, civileng, cleantechnol, climate, clinpract, clockssleep, cmd, coasts, coatings, colloids, colorants, commodities, compounds, computation, computers, condensedmatter, conservation, constrmater, cosmetics, covid, crops, cryptography, crystals, csmf, ctn, curroncol, cyber, dairy, data, ddc, dentistry, dermato, dermatopathology, designs, devices, diabetology, diagnostics, dietetics, digital, disabilities, diseases, diversity, dna, drones, dynamics, earth, ebj, ecologies, econometrics, economies, education, ejihpe, electricity, electrochem, electronicmat, electronics, encyclopedia, endocrines, energies, eng, engproc, entomology, entropy, environments, environsciproc, epidemiologia, epigenomes, est, fermentation, fibers, fintech, fire, fishes, fluids, foods, forecasting, forensicsci, forests, foundations, fractalfract, fuels, future, futureinternet, futurepharmacol, futurephys, futuretransp, galaxies, games, gases, gastroent, gastrointestdisord, gels, genealogy, genes, geographies, geohazards, geomatics, geosciences, geotechnics, geriatrics, grasses, gucdd, hazardousmatters, healthcare, hearts, hemato, hematolrep, heritage, higheredu, highthroughput, histories, horticulturae, hospitals, humanities, humans, hydrobiology, hydrogen, hydrology, hygiene, idr, ijerph, ijfs, ijgi, ijms, ijns, ijpb, ijtm, ijtpp, ime, immuno, informatics, information, infrastructures, inorganics, insects, instruments, inventions, iot, j, jal, jcdd, jcm, jcp, jcs, jcto, jdb, jeta, jfb, jfmk, jimaging, jintelligence, jlpea, jmmp, jmp, jmse, jne, jnt, jof, joitmc, jor, journalmedia, jox, jpm, jrfm, jsan, jtaer, jvd, jzbg, kidneydial, kinasesphosphatases, knowledge, land, languages, laws, life, liquids, literature, livers, logics, logistics, lubricants, lymphatics, machines, macromol, magnetism, magnetochemistry, make, marinedrugs, materials, materproc, mathematics, mca, measurements, medicina, medicines, medsci, membranes, merits, metabolites, metals, meteorology, methane, metrology, micro, microarrays, microbiolres, micromachines, microorganisms, microplastics, minerals, mining, modelling, molbank, molecules, mps, msf, mti, muscles, nanoenergyadv, nanomanufacturing,nanomaterials, ncrna, ndt, network, neuroglia, neurolint, neurosci, nitrogen, notspecified, nursrep, nutraceuticals, nutrients, obesities, oceans, ohbm, onco, %oncopathology, optics, oral, organics, organoids, osteology, oxygen, parasites, parasitologia, particles, pathogens, pathophysiology, pediatrrep, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacy, philosophies, photochem, photonics, phycology, physchem, physics, physiologia, plants, plasma, platforms, pollutants, polymers, polysaccharides, poultry, powders, preprints, proceedings, processes, prosthesis, proteomes, psf, psych, psychiatryint, psychoactives, publications, quantumrep, quaternary, qubs, radiation, reactions, receptors, recycling, regeneration, religions, remotesensing, reports, reprodmed, resources, rheumato, risks, robotics, ruminants, safety, sci, scipharm, sclerosis, seeds, sensors, separations, sexes, signals, sinusitis, skins, smartcities, sna, societies, socsci, software, soilsystems, solar, solids, spectroscj, sports, standards, stats, std, stresses, surfaces, surgeries, suschem, sustainability, symmetry, synbio, systems, targets, taxonomy, technologies, telecom, test, textiles, thalassrep, thermo, tomography, tourismhosp, toxics, toxins, transplantology, transportation, traumacare, traumas, tropicalmed, universe, urbansci, uro, vaccines, vehicles, venereology, vetsci, vibration, virtualworlds, viruses, vision, waste, water, wem, wevj, wind, women, world, youth, zoonoticdisfundingstatement
: a string with the funding statementinstitutionalreview
: a string with the institutional review statementinformedconsent
: a string with the informed consent statementdataavailability
: a string with the data availability statementacknowledgements
: a string with the acknowledgementsconflictsofinterest
: a string with the conflicts of interest statement
Here is the source code for a minimal sample document: template.qmd.
And here is the rendered PDF file: template.pdf.
I took the template from here: on April, 23rd 2024.
If I ever need to update this, I had to made changes to the mdpi.cls
- removed "Definitions/" from most paths (it expects the resource files to live there, but Quarto moves everything to the root)
- I removed loading of the
package as this is loaded by default and would cause clashes- I changed the default template (downloaded the standard Quarto template and adapted it) by adding all the
commands given in themdpi.cls
file to it. That way, we preserve those settings.
- I changed the default template (downloaded the standard Quarto template and adapted it) by adding all the
- I had to change the path to the logo files (I put them into "pics/" under the main directory)