Python 3.6+
asyncio-mongo-reflection is an ORM like library. It provides reflections that write each separate change of wrapped python's list/deque, dict or any their nested combination to mongodb objects asynchronously in background using asyncio and motor mongodb driver.
- Reflections support nesting (i.e. dicts inside dicts or deques inside deques). Mixed nesting is supported too (dicts inside deques for ex.)!
- You can choose where to store your reflections: in existing mongodb objects or create new ones.
- Existing reflections can be automatically recreated from db at thier last state (if 'rewrite=False' is set or no initial list/dict is passed).
- For each operation on python object there is a minimal equivalent for mongo. For example you want to insert something in deque that is nested deeply inside your reflection. This roughfly reflects to:
{'$push': {'nested.nested.nested': {'$each': [your_val], '$position': insert_position'}}
Clone from git and install via
Or pip install -U
Look at example below.
import asyncio
from motor import motor_asyncio
from mongodeque import MongoDequeReflection, MongoDictReflection
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
client = motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient()
db = client.test_db
# you should 'await' while reflection instance is created
# than there is no difference with python's deque (every mongo writing op will be done in background)
# with 'rewrite=False' flag initial list '[1, 2, [6, 7, 8]]' will be ignored next time (data will be loaded from db).
async def create_reflection():
# first arg is optional, without it empty reflection will be created
# or list will be loaded from mongo (if any found using provided obj_ref/key)
return await MongoDequeReflection([1, 2, [6, 7, 8]], col=db['example_reflection'],
obj_ref={'array_id': 'example'}, key='inner.arr',
# MongoDictReflection is similar to MongoDequeReflection but wraps python's dict.
# Note that you can create dicts inside MongoDequeReflection and lists inside MongoDictReflection
# All actions on that dicts and lists are reflected too.
mongo_reflection = loop.run_until_complete(create_reflection())
# nested reflections are created immediately so you can perform operations on them
mongo_reflection[1].extend(['a', 'b', [4, 5, 6]])
# with mongo_reflection.mongo_pending.join() you can wait synchronously
# for mongo operation completion if needed
# mongo db object
# note that 'obj_ref' could be ref to any existing mongo object
# or new one will be created like below:
{"_id": {"$oid": "59761ba93e5bb7435c1f6c9b"},
"array_id": "example",
"inner": {
"arr": [2, [6, 7, 8, "a", "b", [4, 5]], 9]}}
# also try this in aioconsole
# type in terminal "pip install aioconsole" then "apython" and paste:
from asyncio_mongo_reflection import MongoDequeReflection
import motor.motor_asyncio
client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient()
db = client.test_db
ref = await MongoDequeReflection(col=db['example_reflection'],
obj_ref={'array_id': 'interacive_example'},
key='inner.arr', maxlen=10)
# empty reflection is created
# now you can try to modify ref and trace changes in any mongodb client
- asyncio
- motor