This is a repository for making udmabuf kernel module debian package.
Udmabuf is a Linux device driver that allocates contiguous memory blocks in the kernel space as DMA buffers and makes them available from the user space.
For details of udmabuf, please refer to following URL.
shell$ git clone --recursive --depth=1 -b v5.0.0
shell$ cd u-dma-buf-kmod-dpkg
Parameter Name | Description | Default Value |
kernel_release | Kernel Release Name | $(shell uname -r) |
arch | Architecture Name | $(shell uname -m | sed -e s/arm.*/arm/ -e s/aarch64.*/arm64/) |
deb_arch | Debian Architecture Name | $(shell dpkg --print-architecture) |
kernel_src_dir | Kernel Source Directory | /lib/modules/$(kernel_release)/build |
kernel_package | Kernel Image Debian Package | linux-image-$(kernel_release) |
shell$ sudo debian/rules arch=arm deb_arch=armhf kernel_release=6.1.33-armv7-fpga kernel_src_dir=/usr/src/linux-6.1.33-armv7-fpga binary
shell$ file ../u-dma-buf-6.1.33-armv7-fpga_5.0.0-0_armhf.deb
../u-dma-buf-6.1.33-armv7-fpga_5.0.0-0_armhf.deb: Debian binary package (format 2.0), with control.tar.xz, data compression xz
shell$ sudo debian/rules binary
shell$ file ../u-dma-buf-6.1.33-armv7-fpga_5.0.0-0_armhf.deb
../u-dma-buf-6.1.33-armv7-fpga_5.0.0-0_armhf.deb: Debian binary package (format 2.0), with control.tar.zs, data compression zst
shell$ sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers
shell$ sudo debian/rules kernel_package=raspberrypi-kernel binary
shell$ file ../u-dma-buf-6.1.21-v8+_5.0.0-0_arm64.deb
../u-dma-buf-6.1.21-v8+_5.0.0-0_arm64.deb: Debian binary package (format 2.0), with control.tar.zs, data compression zst