To run this project, you'll need Node.js installed. The application has been tested with v0.10.35, v0.11.15, and v0.12.0.
To install the application dependencies, run:
npm install
To start the application, run:
npm start
A web server will start on port 5000.
Your assignment is to build a browser-based version of the game Boggle. If you're not familiar with Boggle, it's a word game where you try to make words from adjacent letters in a grid of letters. The longer the word, the more points you score.
The functionality should be implemented according to the following specification:
When the page loads, the game UI is displayed, including a 5-by-5 grid of the Boggle dice.
The page displays a 5-by-5 grid of dice from the following list:
aaafrs aaeeee aafirs adennn aeeeem aeegmu aegmnn afirsy bjkqxz ccenst ceiilt ceilpt ceipst ddhnot dhhlor dhlnor dhlnor eiiitt emottt ensssu fiprsy gorrvw iprrry nootuw ooottu
(Each row in this list corresponds to a die, with each letter being one face of the die. For example, the first row represents a single die with the six faces "a", "a", "a", "f", "r", and "s".)
Each die is displayed in a random position in the grid.
The letter "Q" is displayed as (and counts for scoring as) "Qu".
The letter (or first letter in the case of "Qu") is capitalized.
A "Current Word" section shows the current word being built.
A "Score" table shows all the words played, their point value, and the total score for the session.
Gameplay involves clicking on dice one by one to build up a word. You can only click on dice that are adjacent to your last selected die and that are not already selected; you cannot wrap around the game board, but you can select dice diagonally adjacent to the last selected die.
- Clicking any die when no dice are currently selected selects that die.
- Selecting a die changes its color and adds its letter to the "Current Word" display.
- Clicking on a non-selected die adjacent to the last selected die (diagonals included) additionally selects that die.
- The most recently selected die can be unselected by clicking on it, which removes its letter from the "Current Word" display.
- This process can be repeated to un-select all selected dice by clicking them in reverse order.
- Clicking the "Submit Word" button adds the word to the "Score" list along with its point value and updates the total score.
- Submitting a word deselects all currently selected dice.
Point values for words scored in Boggle are determined by the length of the word submitted. There is an array of the 1000 most common english words as a json file in dictionary.json
check the validity of the submitted word against this array.
- Words already submitted score no points (and do not appear in the score list a second time).
- Submitted words are scored as follows based on the length of the word:
- 1-2 letters: 0 points
- 3-4 letters: 1 point
- 5 letters: 2 points
- 6 letters: 3 points
- 7 letters: 5 points
- 8 or more letters: 11 points
See the specification/colors.png
file to see a rough draft of the UI you should implement. It does not need to be pixel-perfect, but you should make an effort to replicate the styles shown. The game UI should be centered horizontally on the page.
Webpack dev server is running, its entry point is app.js.
You may make other changes to the project, including loading 3rd party JavaScript libraries or installing additional Node.js modules, if you wish to do so. Please be sure to modify this README to include any special instructions for running your modified application, if any apply.