- JDK 17
- Docker
./gradlew bootRun
Builds source code if necessary and starts spring boot server on 8080 port
./gradlew bootRun --args='--spring.profiles.active=local'
- Builds source code if necessary, sets the active profile and starts spring boot server on 8080 port
- Active profile local is for local development
./gradlew clean build
Cleans all build files and executes all build, lint, test tasks
./gradlew test
Executes project tests
Launching PostgreSQL database with Docker container:
- launch and init db
docker-compose up -d
- recreate db / cleanup
docker-compose down -v && docker-compose up -d
./gradlew diffChangeLog
If there’s any difference between the entity classes' code and what is currently in your database, there will be new changesets generated in the file db.changelog-diff.sql
. Run ./gradlew update
to update the database with newly written changesets.
Please always check the automatically generated SQL;
Remove all the quotation marks yourself. If not, the database objects will also be with quotation marks and you will have to query them using quotes.
If you’re creating a new column in an entity class and its name consists of several words (like
), you can mark the field with@Column(name = "long_name")
to name the column tables consistently. Otherwise, the column will be named aslongname
in the database.
To update the database after you have made a new changeset, run:
./gradlew update
You can 'undo' the latest changeset in the database by running:
./gradlew rollbackCount -PliquibaseCommandValue=1
If you have any problems with changeset checksums, run:
./gradlew clearChecksums
You can find other commands that can be run by running:
./gradlew tasks
Openssl is preinstalled on MacOS. If you are using Windows/Linux you should install openssl yourself. After having successfully installed it, make sure that the src/main/resources/certs/ folder is empty and run following 3 commands (or run the generate_certs.sh file):
- generating private and public keys
openssl genrsa -out src/main/resources/certs/keypair.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in src/main/resources/certs/keypair.pem -pubout -out src/main/resources/certs/public.pem
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in src/main/resources/certs/keypair.pem -out src/main/resources/certs/private.pem
After having run all these 3 commands make sure that there are 3 files in the src/main/resources/certs folder: public.pem, private.pem, and keypair.pem. The keypair.pem can be deleted, we will no longer need this file.
- No auth. required:
POST /login
. Required: JSON {email, password}
POST /register/user
. Required: JSON {email, password, firstName, lastName, birthDate}
POST /register/service_provider
. Required: JSON {email, password, companyName, phoneNumber, type}
GET /service_providers/{serviceProviderId}
GET /service_providers/
DELETE /service_providers/{serviceProviderId}
PATCH /service_providers/{serviceProviderId}
+ patch JSON: {email, password, companyName, phoneNumber, type}.
GET /timeslots
- returns the list of all timeslots
GET /timeslots/{timeslotId}
- get specific timeslot
DELETE /timeslots/{timeslotId}
- deletes the timeslot with specified ID
PATCH /timeslots/{timeslotId}
- modifies the timeslot with specified ID. Requires JSON object like this:
{ "serviceProviderId": "2", "startTime": "2022-07-02T11:00:00.000+00:00", "endTime": "2022-07-02T11:30:00.000+00:00" }
- For ADMIN:
GET /users/{user_id}
GET /users/
DELETE /users/{user_id}
PATCH /users/{user_id}
+ patch JSON: {email, password, firstName, lastName, birthDate}. All fields are required
POST /roles/add/{user_id}/{role}
POST /roles/remove/{user_id}/{role}
GET /procedures/{user_id}
- returns the specific procedure
GET [available for all users] /procedures/
- returns the list of all procedures
DELETE /procedures/{user_id}
- deletes the specific procedure
PATCH /procedures/{user_id}
+ patch JSON: {procedureName, description, price}. All fields are required. Updates the procedure
POST /procedures/
- create a procedure. Required: JSON {procedureName, description, price}
- For Everyone:
GET /appointments
- returns the JSON list of all appointments
GET /appointments/{appointmentId}
- returns JSON object of a single appointment
POST /appointments
- create appointment. Requires JSON like this:
{ "timeslotId": "5", "comment": "no user in appointment check", "procedures": [ { "id": "1" }, { "id": "2" } ] }
DELETE /appointments/{appointmentId}
- deletes appointment with specified ID
PATCH /appointments/{appointmentId}
- patch appointment. Requires JSON like this: