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Notes, homework solutions for DBMS course @ CMU, Fall 2017 by Andy Pavlo

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Instance & Schema:

Instance: The collection of information stored in a database at a particular moment is called Instance of the database.

Schema: The overall design of the database is called the Schema of the database.

  • Schema:

  • Physical Schema : @ the Physical level.

  • Logical Schema: @ the Logical level.

  • Subschema: @ the View level, a DB can have multiple schemas called subschemas, that describe different views of the database.

  • Physical data independence: An application program is said to exhibit physical data independence if it doesn't depend on Physical Schema and thus need not be re-written if the physical schema changes.

  • Off all the above different types of schemas, Logical Schema is the most important, in terms of its impact on the applications program as the programmer construct applications using these schemas only.

  • Physical Schema is hidden beneath the Logical Schema and can easily be changed without affecting the applications program.

Data Models:

Data Model: It's a collection of conceptual tools used to describe the data, data relationships, data semantics, and consistency constraints.

  • A data model provides a way to describe the design of database at the physical, logical and view levels.

Data manipulation Language (DLM):

DLM: It's a language that enable users to access or manipulate data as organised by the appropriate Data Model.

  • DLMs:

  • Procedural DLMs: user must specify What data & How to get those data.

  • Declarative (or Nonprocedural) DLMs: user need specify ONLY What data is needed. Ex.: SQL query language

  • Query: A statement requesting the retrieval of information.

  • Query Language: A portion of DLM that involves information retrieval.

  • The query processor component of the Database system translates DLM queries into sequences of actions at the Physical level of the Database System.

Data-Definition language (DDL) :

DDL: We specify a database schema by a set of definitions expressed by a special language called Data-definition Language (DDL).

  • The DDL is also used to specify additional properties of the data.

  • Data Storage & Definition Language: A set of statements in a special type of DDL used to specify the storage structure and access methods used by the database system. These statements define the implementation details of the database schemas (which are hidden from the users).

  • The DDL provides the facility to specify consistency constraints and the database system these constraints every time the database is updated.

  • The o/p of DDL is placed in Data Dictionary which contains metadata.

  • Data Dictionary is considered to be a special type of TABLE that can only be accessed by the database system itself (not a regular user). The database consults the Data Dictionary before reading or modifying actual data.

  • atomicity

  • consistency

  • durability


  • A Relational Model hides low-level implementation from database developers and users.

  • Application Programs: SQL does not support actions such as input from users, output to displays, or communication over network. Such computation and actions must be written in host language (like C, C++, Java) with embedded SQL queries that access the data in the DB. Programs that are used to interact w/ the DB in this fashion are called Application Programs.

  • DML precompiler: It converts the DML statements to normal procedure calls in host language (C, C++, Java).

  • Database design mainly involves the design of Database Schemas.

  • Relationship: An association among several entities.

  • Entity set: Set of all entities of the same type.

  • Relationship set: Set of all relationships of the same type.

  • UML: Unified Modelling Language is one of the several ways to represent Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram. In UML, entity sets are represented by rectangular boxes with the entity-name on it and its attributes below. Relationship sets are represented by Diamond box connecting a pair of related entity sets.

  • Mapping cardinalities: The no. of entities to which another entity can be associated with via a relationship set.

  • Normalization: An approach of designing schemas that stores information w/o unnecessary redundancy but still allows us retrieve information easily. The schemas are then termed as Normal forms.

  • Functional Dependencies: An approach to determine whether a relation schema is of desirable normal form.

  • Storage manager: Its a component of the database system that provides the interface b/w the low-level data stored in the database and the application program and queries submitted to the system.

  • The Storage manager converts the DML commands into low-level file-system commands. The Storage Manager is responsible for storing, retrieving and updating data in the database.

  • Storage Manager consists of:

    • Authorization & Integrity Manager
    • Transaction Manager
    • File Manager
    • Buffer Manager
  • Query Processor :

    • DDL interpretor: Interprets DDL statements and record definitions in Data Dictionary.
    • DML compiler: Converts DML statements into low-level instructions that the query evaluation engine understands.
    • Query Evaluation Engine: It evaluates low-level instructions generated by the DML compiler.
  • Transaction : A collection of operations that perform a single logical functions in a database application.

  • Failure Recovery: Failure detection and restoration of DB to a prior state before failure.

  • Concurrency control manager: It controls the interaction among the concurrent transactions to ensure consistency.

  • Transaction manager controls the Concurrency Control Manager and Recovery manager.

  • Information Retrieval: Unlike the rigidly structured data in Relational Databases, textual data is unstructured & querying of unstructured textual data is called information retrieval.

  • Object-oriented Data Models: An extension of E-R model with notions of encapsulation, methods/functions & object-identity

  • Object-Relational Data Model: A data model that combines the concepts of object-oriented data model and relational data model.

  • Semi-structured Data Model: A model which permits the specification of data where individual data item of same type may have different attributes.

  • In Relational Model,

    • relation is used to refer to a Table
    • tuple refers to a Row in table
    • attribute refer to a Column of table

create table r(
A1 D1,
A2 D2,
A3 D3,
A_n D_n,

-- for example
create table department(
dept_name varchar(10),
building varchar(10),
budget numeric(12,2),
primary key(dept_name)); -- the integrity constraint
insert into instructor
values(2017, 'Potter', 'Rustom',19862);
  • DELETE: used to delete tuples from a relation
-- this will delete all tuples from student relation
delete from student;

  • DROP: to remove a complete relation from the SQL Database. It deletes all tuples in the relation and also its schema. After the relation is dropped, no tuples can be inserted into the relation unless it is re-created using create table command.
-- deletes all tuples in r and its schema as well
drop table r;
  • ALTER TABLE: It is used to add attributes to an existing relation. All tuples in the relation are assigned NULL values for the newly added attribute.

We can drop an attribute from a relation using the DROP command as well (but many DBMS don't allow individual drop of an attribute, rather they will allow dropping the whole relation using drop table r command)

-- add an attribute A of datatype D into the relation r
alter table r add A D;

-- drops the attribute A from all tuples in relation r
alter table r drop A;
  • DISTINCT: It is used to eliminate duplicate tuples from a relation.

ALL keyword is used to specify explicitly that the duplicates are not removed (also, it is the default feature of SQL unless specified otherwise)

-- removes duplicates from the query result & returns only the distinct dept_name.
-- The result of this query contains the each value of dept_name attribute at most once.

select distinct dept_name from instructors;
  • SELECT: The select clause may also contain arithmetic expressions involving +,-,*,/. But, if we used an arithmetic expression in a select clause then the resultant attribute does not have the a name.
-- here, the third attribute of the o/p relation won't have a name
select ID, name, dept_name, salary*1.1 from instructor;
  • The WHERE clause allows us to select only those tuples in the result relation of the FROM clause that satisfies a given predicate.

and, or, not logical connectives are allowed in the WHERE clause.

select name from instructor
where dept_name = 'Comp_Sc' and salary >= 70000;
  • LIKE: SQL expresses patterns using like comparision operator

    • 'Intro%': matches any string beginning with Intro
    • '%Intro%': Matches any string containing the substring Intro
    • ___: matches any string of exactly 3 characters
    • ___%: matches any string of atleast 3 characters
-- it returns the dept_name whose building name contains
-- the substring 'Watson'

select dept_name from department
where building like '%Watson%';
  • ORDER BY: Causes the tuples in the result relation of a query to appear in sorted order. By default, order by clause lists elements in ascending order.; so use desc or asc for descending and ascending order respectively.
select name from instructor
where dept_name = 'Physics'
order by name;


select instructor.*
from instructor, teaches
where instructor.ID = teaches.ID
order by instructor.ID;
-- gives the entire 'instructor' relation in descending order
-- of 'salary' and if the 'salary' of two tuples matches then
-- they are ordered in ascending order of 'name'

select * from instructor
order by salary desc, name asc;
  • BETWEEN / NOT BETWEEN: Used to simplify where clause that specify an expression to be in a range of values.
select name from instructor
where salary between 90000 and 100000;
-- same as below code

select name from instructor
where salary >= 90000 and salary <= 100000;


select name from instructor
where salary not between 90000 and 100000;
-- same as below code

select name from from instructor
where salary <= 90000 or salary >= 100000;
  • UNION / UNION ALL: The union operation automatically eliminates the duplicates unlike the select clause.

If we want to retain all duplicates then use union all

-- UNION: Duplicates are removed automatically

select course__id from section
where (semester, year) = ('Fall', 2016)
select course_id from section
where (semester, year) = ('Spring', 2017)

-- UNION ALL: Duplicates are NOT eliminated

select course_id from section
where (semester, year) = ('Fall', 2016)
union all
select course_id from section
where (Semester, year) = ('Spring', 2017)

  • EXCEPT / EXCEPT ALL: Outputs all operations in the first relation that does not appear in second relation i.e. it performs the set difference.

The except operation automatically eliminates duplicates in inputs before performing set difference, so to retain the duplicates we must use except all

-- Finds all courses taught in Fall'16 but not in Spring'17 sem.

(select course_id
from section
where (semester, year) = ('Fall', 2016))
(select course_id
from section
where (semester, year) = ('Spring', 2017));
  • Set Comparision:

    • = some is identical to in
    • <> all is identical to not in
    • <> some is NOT identical to not in
    • = all is NOT identical to in
-- Give the name of instructor whose salary is greater than
-- ATLEAST one instructor in Biology dept.

select distinct
from instructor as T, instructor as S
where T.salary > S.salary and S.dept_name = 'Biology';


select name
from instructor
where salary > some (select salary
from instructor
where dept_name = 'Biology');

-- Both queries above give the same o/p relation


  • DELETE :
    • We can delete only whole tuples, we can't delete values on only particular attributes.
    • delete from r where P : the delete statement finds all tuples t in relation r where P(t) is true and then deletes those tuples.
    • delete from r : deletes all tuples in relation r (but keeps an empty relation r).
-- deletes all tuples from instructor relation but still keeps the relation
delete from instructor;

-- deletes all tuples where dept_name is 'Finance'
delete from instructor
where dept_name = 'Finance';

-- deletes all tuples where salary is between 90K to 100K
delete from instructor
where salary between 90000 and 100000;

-- finds the dept_name located in Watson building
-- & deletes all tuples in instructor with those dept_name
delete from instructor
where dept_name in (select dept_name
from department
where building = 'Watson');



Notes, homework solutions for DBMS course @ CMU, Fall 2017 by Andy Pavlo







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