Tkachuk Zakhar - react developer
- Awesome Virtual DOM library. This project was bootstrapped withCreate React App
- Awesome flux libraryAntDesign
- Great UI frameworkredux-timer-middleware
- Time Machine Corereselect
- Data Memoization helperfirestore
- Best noSQL database
Far away on a distant planet inhabited by primitive life forms a small colony of robots accidentally trapped must build, develop and fight only to exist... How far can they go? 🕹 🎲 🌌 🎰 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
- clone the project
git clone
- install node.js v10
- install yarn
command to install the projectfirebase init
command to init the projectCI= npm run build
command to build the projectyarn start
command to start the project
- Migration to React 17.0.2
- Refusal from
and transition toreact-isometric-tilemap
(complete) - Refusal from
and transition toredux-timer-middleware
(beta complete) - Game preloader (beta complete)
- Unit task accepting (complete)
- Unit goes to the task position by the shortest path, avoiding obstacles, thanks to the
Lee Algorithm
(complete) - Unit performs the task (in progress)
- Other reworks & bug fixes (in progress)
- Task Performance & go to the next task or search for a new
- Rest & "walking around" algorithm
- Direct control & user task adding
- Second unit synthesizing
- Time Machine (beta complete)
- Game preloader (beta complete)
- Enemies synthesizing & interactions
- Objects (minerals & trees) growth
- Alex Gudz - math calculations & promotion