A useful util library for writing shell script stream processing using dsherret/dax.
import $ from "https://deno.land/x/dax_extras/mod.ts";
const lines = await $`echo "olleh\nnop\ndlrow\nnop\nnop"` // => ["olleh", "nop", "dlrow", "nop", "nop"]
.$(`grep -v dummy`).noThrow() // => ["olleh", "nop", "dlrow", "nop", "nop"]
.apply((l) => {
if (l != "nop") {
return l.split("").reverse().join("");
}) // => ["hello", "world"]
.xargs((l) => $`echo ${l}!`) // => ["hello!", "world!"]
For more information, see tests.
Save command stdout to a file.
stdout pipe to next command stdin.
await $`command`.$(`next_command`);
await $`command`.pipe($`next_command`);
Apply map function to each line of command stdout.
const text = await $`echo "line1\nline2"`
.map((l) => {
return `prefix:${l}`;
assertEquals(text, ["prefix:line1", "prefix:line2"]);
Apply filter function to each line of command stdout.
const text = await $`echo "333\n4444"`
.filter((l) => {
return l.length >= 4;
assertEquals(text, ["4444"]);
Execute command with each line of command stdout as arguments.
const result = await $`echo hello`
.xargs((input) => $`echo ${input} world`)
.xargs((input) => $`echo ${input} world2`)
assertEquals(result, ["hello world world2"]);
const result = await $`echo "line1\nline2"`
.xargs((input) => $`echo ${input}`);
assertEquals(result.length, 2);
assertEquals(result[0] instanceof CommandResult, true);
Apply function to each line of command stdout. If applied function return undefined, the line will be ignored.
const result = await $`echo "prefix: val1\nprefix: val2\nprefix:\tval2"`
.apply((l) => {
const val = l.split(/\s+/)[1];
if (val == "val2") {
return `result ${val}`;
assertEquals(result.length, 2);
assertEquals(result[0], "result val2");
assertEquals(result[1], "result val2");
See extras.ts and extras.test.ts.
You can import dax_extras like this.
import $ from "https://deno.land/x/dax@0.32.0/mod.ts";
// the dax version used internally by dax extras is at the suffix
// it **must** match the dax version used
import "https://deno.land/x/dax_extras@2.2.0-0.32.0/mod.ts";