Project based on The Electronic Store home page, it shows a navbar with User Icon on the top-right corner, a main section with data related information and a footer section.
Header (Navbar section):
- A Navbar with multiple options based on user's preference.
- A User Name option for Log-In.
- A User Icon on the top right.
Main section:
- Embedded electronic product images with descriptive information.
- Add Icon to add multiple products.
Footer section: - Multiple social networking logo's. - URLs redirecting to Legal, Privacy, and Security sites with further information. - Text related to legal information about the website. - Categories for different products. - A Navigation with multiple options alomg with Sign-In and Sign-Out.
To run the code simply download the repository by either cloning it or downloading it as Zip file. Then use the old trustable browser to open the HTML file.
Imran Yousaf
- GitHub: @imran5644
- LinkedIn: Imran Yousaf
** Mohammed Awad**
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
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This project is MIT licensed.