Welcome to Le Croissant's Repo, one of the few bots in the RLBot Community, that represente his origin country (Kinda). This bot is part of the bot family : Le Boulangerie, twin of Le Baguette. Le Croissant is HARD-CODED meaning it is not using any algorithm that would provoque emergent behaviours on purpose.
To install and run Le Croissant, you will need :
- RLBot, because it is useless without an environment.
Conciderer checking out the RLBot repository, to fully understand the designing behind this bot.
Todo :
- Update to V4
- Implement Strategy
- Debunk AirControls
Ideas :
- tests, as in training, in external env.
- external env.
- meta plays.
- defending plays.
- adaptation with other bots behaviours.
- faking first shot.
- ...
Thoses names used for thoses two bots, Le Baguette and Le Croissant, are used in a non-serious, non-xenophobic intent, but simply as a silly joke. Anyone being offended by the uses of theses words in this, or any context, should relax and by a Chocolatine.