The implemented service provides an API for creating shortened links in the following format:
- The link is unique and only one shortened link refers to one original URL.
- Link 10 characters long
- The link consists of lowercase and uppercase Latin characters, numbers and the _ symbol (underscore)
The service is written in Go and accepts the following http requests:
- Method POST, which saves the original URL in the database and returns a shortened one
- Method GET that takes a shortened URL and returns the original URL
As storage, you can use the in-memory solution or postgresql. Which storage to use is specified by a parameter when starting the service.
make in-memory
make postgres
The application will be available on the port 8080
: creates new short link
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"longLink": ""}' \
Response: longLink
- original URL, shortLink
- shortened URL
: gets original link
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request GET \
Response: longLink
- original URL, shortLink
- shortened URL