What is the proposed name for your Web application?
- InfoSec Armor where InfoSec stands for Information Security
Who is the target audience for your Web application?
- The web application is targeting Security professionals, IT personals, Technological organizations, Government Agencies, and Information Security Academics and Students who have limited time and resources to obtain necessary information regarding information security guidelines and standards.
What problem is it intended to solve for the target audience?
- My website alleviates the hassle of obtaining consultation about Information Security standards, guidelines, strategies, technologies, and solutions. Also, it saves much more time, effort, and cost by obtaining the needed information and consultation online. There are a lot of information on the internet regarding Information Security, but most of them are not provided by certified experts in the field. Having this information from a one certified source is more effective. At the same time, interested users would be able to get their services as well as attending Information Security courses without having to go to different site seeking their needs.
How will it meet the minimum project requirements?
- The project requirements are: users should be able to open ticket, rating tickets, review tickets, delete tickets, search for previous tickets, modify tickets, share information, mark favorite tickets, create profile, and access information security news and topics section. Additionally, users will be able to enroll to attend courses related to Information Security. Most of website content will be for users only, so users need to create usernames and passwords, and log in in order to access the content. The users’ info will be stored into my database and encrypted for security purposes. Also, I will support OAuth2 authentication in case the users do not want to register his username and password in my website. Moreover, users who are interested in attending courses will have to pay minimum cost. Therefore, I will have two roles of users: one who paid to attend the courses and another who interested in seeking consultation only. I will support PayPal for accepting users’ payment. There will be public information such as the up-to-date information security topics and news. Thus, I will use RESTful services to contain data into JSON and XML formats. Finally, I will use API service that provides news feeds for my website.
Why is your proposed Web application unique or creative beyond simply meeting the minimum requirements?
- My proposed Web application is unique as there is less web applications dedicated to provide consultation regarding information security without requiring fee for membership/subscription or signing contractual agreements to obtain the needed services. Also, it provides a collaborative and rich web based community interested into information security space. Additionally, the website will provide courses for those users who interested in learning information security. The website will adapt its content to show the topics that interest the users based on their previous search or tickets. It will also incentivize users who are not active by sending promotions and offers regarding the courses being offered, and those who are active will be receiving special support regarding their tickets as well as certificates for attending the courses.
- Users have the ability to choose their ticket type and specifiy their orgnization information via the web application.
- Users are able to submit their ticket through the website application.
- All tickets can be retrieved via the API as a JSON format.
- A specific ticket can be retrieved by the identifier field via the API as a JSON format.
- Users are able to modify and delete tickets.
- Users are able to view courses through the website.
- Users are able to add their information.
- Users are able to upload their resumes.
- Users are able to add, delete, view, modify certifications they are interested in.
- Users are able to use Ajax for Validation.
- Users are able to log in, log out, registar.
- Anonymous users are able to view about the website.
- Admistrators are able to do the following.
- Admistrators are able to repond to tickets.
- Admistrators are able to upload and follow courses through the website.
- Admistrators are able to create, update, delete users information.
Users will be to log in using the login page as depicted in the following screen shot:
Users will be able to register as a user, add, delete, view, and modify tickets and certifications via the input forms as shown in the follwoing screen shot:
Users will be able to upload files.
Admin user will be able to add, delete, view, and modify users information via the forms as shown in the follwoing screen shot:
This API allows retriving a specific course available via using the course ID.
GET /public/api/courses/:id
- id (required) — The course ID to get the data associated with that ID so users can view the course content.
A JSON containing the CourseID and the data associated with it which is course name, URL, and Course description.
All known errors cause the resource to return HTTP error code header together with a JSON array containing at least 'status' and 'error' keys describing the source of error.
- 404 Not Found — The course was not found.
GET /public/api/courses/1
"id":1,"courseName":"Beginner Ethical Hacking","courseLink":"https://www.youtube.com/embed/DoRoMLPDneo","courseDescription":"Good Ethical Hacking"
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