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Part 2. Setting Up The Yun

Rachel edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 3 revisions


Arduino Yun

The $55 Arduino Yun

A major requirement of this project is that a WiFi connection is established automatically so that the sensor data can be sent to a remotely accessible visualization. The script that collects and sends sensor data should also start automatically in case it loses power.

An Arduino is perfect for this because it will run whatever sketch was last uploaded onto it when it is powered on. There are WiFi modules that you can add onto smaller Arduinos, but the Yun has an onboard WiFi module that makes establishing an internet connection easy. The Yun can even run Linux, though we don't take advantage of that in this project. The Arduino board also gives us a solder-free way to hook up both analog and digital sensors.

A lot of sensors can be difficult to hook up without a large breadboard, and many of them require extra resistors or capacitors. Grove sensors don't have these issues because they have an easy breakout connector, and any required resistors and capacitors are already attached to the sensor board.

That being said, there are many different ways that you could implement this project, but I'm going to walk through how I set up my sensor box using a Yun and Grove sensors.

<< Part 1: Equipment - Part 2: SD Card Setup >>