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Part 3. Wiring the Circuits

Rachel edited this page Jul 21, 2015 · 3 revisions

arduino yun breadboard

Unplug power from your Yun before wiring up any circuit!!

We're adding three sensors and trying to keep everything compact, so the wires get a little messy - I'll break down the circuit by sensor.

The first thing we need to do is make sure that 3.3V power and ground are provided for the sensors. Since the Yun only has one 3.3V port, we need to move it to the breadboard where we can open up more connections. Connect a male-male tie line from the 3.3V power to one row on the breadboard and one from GND to the breadboard.


Note: In the picture and diagram I have another male-male tie line connecting two rows on the breadboard for both ground and power. This isn't actually necessary since we're only using 3 sensors, but if you decide to add more than 4, you'll need even more spots to access power.

The light sensor is our only analog sensor, so connect SIG to A0 using a female-male tie line. The temperature/humidity sensor is connected to Digital Pin 2, and the motion sensor is connected to Digital Pin 3. Connect VCC and GND on each sensor to the 3.3V Power and GND rows on the breadboard. The NC pins on the sensors mean "No Connection" and do not need to be plugged into anything.

Power on your Yun once the circuits are wired up.

<< Part 3: Adding Sensors - Part 3: Temperature and Humidity Sensor >>