Hi there. This is our webring. If you have a home on the internet, maybe you could join the ring.
- Have a web home of some form. If you want help with this, maybe you know one or more people on the ring and can ask them.
- Submit a new pull request adding your website. You can do this by making a GitHub account, going to index.html, and clicking the little "edit" icon to propose your change. This will help you make a pull request. Again, if you have a friend already in the ring, you can ask them for some help.
- Once the pull request is approved, add this image to your website, with a link to https://ring.inkering.com/?from=<YOUR_WEBSITE>
You can also link some other way, whatever you like! Thanks for joining us in the webring.
- optional You can add a next-site or previous-site link to your website, if you want. We have a simple magic link system that will do that, and will adjust as more sites are added to the ring. The URL you should link to looks like this:
will automatically go to the next website in the ring (just replace <YOUR_WEBSITE>
with your actual URL)
will automatically go to the previous website in the ring (just replace <YOUR_WEBSITE>
with your actual URL)`
We, Sam and Dieter (who have the first two sites in the webring), care for the list and the code. If you need some help, you could reach out to us!