a simple Python program to create easily html5 karaoke like in html5-audio-read-along-master from audacity marker file.
- python 3 (>3.4 ?)
- a modern web browser (to test it)
- First, clone or download this repository.
- Create/obtain an audio file and convert it to .mp3,.ogg and .wav in data/audio folder.
- Create an audacity marker file and copy it to data folder
- Modify global.ini conf to adapt it for you.
- run HTML5KaraokeMaker.py with python3.
- just copy web folder in your website !
It's possible to use many audacity marker files and have a title for each one, just see the example.
Just look at data/depend/style.css file . You can also modify data/model.html file. Be carefull about modify model.html file.
Code-source is under both GPL and MIT license. Program is based on "html5-audio-read-along" from Weston Ruter.
Example text is "Du bon usage de la Piraterie" from Florent Latrive but the preface (which i choose as example text) is from Lawrence Lessig. This book is under GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.1.
Audio file (.mp3,.ogg,.wav) are under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ It's based on a audiobook version of the book read by Liseur,Lostaaraaf,Elrik,Chmilblick,Justine Miso,Yann G,François Schnell,Yves,Thomas Andro,Lecteur,acepack,Shalero,David,Florent Latrive,Atrayu,Quentin Renaudo,Poussinsane,Ludovic Pénet,C. Siebering,t-ry http://www.audiocite.net/livres-audio-gratuits-planete-actuelle/florent-latrive-du-bon-usage-de-la-piraterie.html