WARNING: This is a work in progress and there will be no gaurentee of backward compatibility until the first stable release.
An implementation of Google's Pauli+ simulator. It uses stim.TableauSimulator
internally for stabilizer
simulation and adds support for leakage errors.
pip install leakysim
git clone https://github.com/inmzhang/leaky.git
cd leaky
pip install .
import leaky
import stim
# Assume you have a unitary repr of CNOT noise from dynamical simulation
# which is a 2**4 * 2**4 matrix, incoorporating leakage errors up to 4-th level
cnot_kraus = np.load('cnot_kraus.npy')
# Decompose the Kraus operator into pauli channels and incoherent stochastic transitions
# with Generalize Pauli decomposition
cnot_channel: leaky.LeakyPauliChannel = leaky.decompose_kraus_operators_to_leaky_pauli_channel(
kraus_operators = cnot_kraus,
num_qubits = 2,
num_level = 4,
# Simulate a bell state preparation circuit
circuit = stim.Circuit("""R 0 1 2 3
H 0 2
CNOT 0 1 2 3
M 0 1 2 3""")
# Initialize a leaky simulator
simulator = leaky.Simulator(num_qubits=circuit.num_qubits)
# Bind the channel to the corresponding cz gates
# We only bind the channel to a single cz gate for demonstration
simulator.bind_leaky_channels(leaky.Instruction('CX', [0, 1]))
# Sample the circuit
results = simulator.sample_batch(circuit, shots=50000)