Designed to be run on custom hardware, though could be hooked up with a level shifter.
- Connect through LAN to an onboard web server.
- Requires login to set timer, prevents unauthorized access.
- Corrects the time using NTP time (requires internet access)
- Adjusts the time by 125 ms every 10 sec if the time is off.
- Internet check every 30 mins max.
- Clears passwords by overwriting passwords with random data and deletes all other files.
- Controls the LEDs
- Determines if the device has internet access. Pings to check.
- Generates random data for verification code which changes every boot.
Note: Patched with this to prevent user offset on epoch time and the related parts of this to check for NTP packet validity.
Connects to NTP server to get access to internet time.
Used to slew time (by 1/8sec per 10 sec) if millis is either slow or fast.
Licensed under GNU GPL v3 library.