Provides a somewhat hidden storage API with an utmost simple interface:
# Return a 1x1 sized pixel gif with alpha 100%
GET /cats/{your-keywords-here}.gif?keyA=valueA&keyB=valueB
# Return 200 and empty response (post dumps the body up to 80k bytes w/ "\n"=",")
GET /cats/{your-keywords-here}.html?keyA=valueA&keyB=valueB
POST /cats/{your-keywords-here}?keyA=valueA&keyB=valueB
# Examples
GET /cats/my/super_great/blogpost.gif?browser=moz&tz=0
GET /cats/2016/02/30/woopsie.html?did=you&spot=the&mistake=hell+yeah
# Will dump (note that query param ordering is not guaranteed)
2016,02,30,woopsie|did=you,mistake=hell yeah,spot=the