presenie is a PowerPoint Template renderer.
The Powerpoint is the template, and your data can be either YAML or JSON. The resulting powerpoint can then be turned into a PDF, or share as it.
- Multipage support - produces new pages appropriately.
- Groups of objects
- Text replacement.
- Image replacement (from URLs in the JSON file)
PPTX Generator from YAML
Create a fat executable jar
- Build it
gradle jar chmod +x ./presenie/build/libs/presenie.jar
- This can now be run
gradle run --args="list -t assets/test/source.pptx"
gradle run --args="merge -t samples/sample_template2.pptx -d samples/data.json -o ../output_$$.pptx" merge -t docmaker/samples/sample_template2.pptx -d docmaker/samples/data.json -o out/output_${RANDOM}.pptx