Enhance your Selenium-driven web automation tasks with BrowserJQuery, a Python package that empowers you to use jQuery effortlessly. This straightforward yet robust package simplifies the execution of jQuery scripts and includes built-in utility methods.
Get started quickly by installing BrowserJQuery from PyPI:
pip install browserjquery
Here's how you can harness the power of BrowserJQuery in your Selenium scripts:
import time
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome
from browserjquery import BrowserJQuery
# Initialize a Selenium driver
driver = Chrome()
# Navigate to a website
# Pause to allow page loading (you can adjust the duration)
# Create a jQuery object for the driver
jquery = BrowserJQuery(driver)
# Execute a jQuery script
jquery.execute("""return $("div.stream-item")""")
# Use the jQuery object to find and select items
stream = jquery(".stream-item")
# Access methods and attributes of the jQuery object
# Find elements within the selected items
print(jquery.find(".stream-item a"))
# Find elements with specific text
# Find elements with specific text within a specific element
print(jquery.find_elements_with_text("Hello", element=stream[0]))
# Get the parent element of a selected item
With BrowserJQuery, you can effortlessly integrate jQuery into your Selenium workflows, making web automation more efficient and powerful.