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Updated version of thinkpad-x1-thermal gnome extension to work on ubuntu 19.XX.

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Dev Notes


When you create an extension, the extension is saved at ~/.local/shared/gnome-shell/extensions with a gnome-shell extension folder format, so you can't create a project here and edit the files expecting that each change you do reflects directly in the gnome-shell. So, if we use eclipse to develop extensions, the best way is to open directly the file you are editing, like ~/.local/shared/gnome-shell/extensions/myExtensionFolder/myExtension.js

To visualize the changes, you need to have enabled the extension. To enable the extension use gnome-tweak-tool.

After that, every time you make a change, you will have to save the file and restart the shell (Alt+F2 , write "r" without quotes, enter).

look for gnome errors

journalctl /usr/bin/gnome-shell -f

Create a symlink from ext dir to gnome extensions

ln -s /home/nika/projects/interisti/thinkpadthermal /home/nika/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/

Sample upgrade to es6