This repository hosts the code of the Tango Ros Streamer application.
It is an Android application for Tango-enabled devices.
Its main purpose is to provide Tango sensor data to the ROS ecosystem in order to easily use the Tango functionalities on robots.
Please read our ROS wiki for more information.
This work is developed by Intermodalics in collaboration with Ekumen and Google Tango.
Do not hesitate to give us feedback if something is broken or if you think it lacks some features. The best way to do this is by adding issues to this repository.
- tangobot: An android application to navigate with the Turtlebot using Tango.
- RTAB-Map: Use rtabmap with the Tango data.
The app is available in Google's Play Store:
It can be installed on any Tango-enabled device. Note that the minimum Tango version required to run Tango Ros Streamer is Yildun (you will find the Tango release history here). To check the Tango version of your device go to Settings->Apps->Tango Core.
Please read our ROS tutorial for help when running the app.
For this guide, we assume that you have a clean installation of Ubuntu 14.04 and we will use ROS Indigo. However, the app should also work on Ubuntu 16.04 in combination with ROS Kinetic.
Follow this the guide for Indigo (14.04) or Kinetic (16.04) and go for the Desktop -- Full Install:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 421C365BD9FF1F717815A3895523BAEEB01FA116
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
echo "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosjava-build-tools
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-genjava
Replace indigo by kinetic if you are using Ubuntu 16.04.
Next, we need to build roscpp_android
. A more detailed guide is available here.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install curl git
curl -sSL | sudo sh
mkdir ~/ros-android-ndk
cd ~/ros-android-ndk
git clone
cd roscpp_android
./ --portable
Note that the last command will take long time to complete.
First clone the repository at the correct location:
mkdir -p ~/tango_ros_ws/src
cd ~/tango_ros_ws/src
git clone --recursive
cd ~/tango_ros_ws
Copy the the content of the output roscpp_android_ndk
folder into tango_ros/third_party/roscpp_android_ndk/
, except the
file and the share
cp -r ~/ros-android-ndk/roscpp_android/output/roscpp_android_ndk/lib/ ~/tango_ros_ws/src/tango_ros/third_party/roscpp_android_ndk/
cp -r ~/ros-android-ndk/roscpp_android/output/roscpp_android_ndk/include/ ~/tango_ros_ws/src/tango_ros/third_party/roscpp_android_ndk/
cp ~/ros-android-ndk/roscpp_android/output/roscpp_android_ndk/ ~/tango_ros_ws/src/tango_ros/third_party/roscpp_android_ndk/
Create a file
touch ~/tango_ros_ws/src/tango_ros/TangoRosStreamer/
In this file, write the path to your Android SDK and NDK in the following way e.g.:
If you haven't installed the SDK and NDK already, follow the instructions in section Developing with Android Studio.
Install catkin tools if necessary.
sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools
Build the app and generate its .apk file.
catkin build --no-jobserver
Plug your device to your desktop and install the app on your device using adb.
adb install -r -d ~/tango_ros_ws/src/tango_ros/TangoRosStreamer/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
We recommend using Android Studio as a development tool.
The steps detailed below are based on this installation guide.
For Android Studio we need Java, so let's install this first. On Ubuntu 14.04, we need to install openjdk-7-jdk, while on Ubuntu 16.04 we recommend to use openjdk-8-jdk instead.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/" >> ~/.bashrc
In case the build insists of using Java 8 when using Ubuntu 14.04, check and point to the version installed by android-studio:
cat /opt/android-studio/jre/release
echo "export JAVA_HOME=/opt/android-studio/jre/" >> ~/.bashrc
Subsequently, download Android Studio from here and unzip (for example) to /opt/android-studio:
cd /opt
sudo unzip ~/Downloads/
Let's add it to the path for convenience:
echo export PATH=\${PATH}:/opt/android-sdk/tools:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/opt/android-studio/bin >> ~/.bashrc
Pick a directory where to store the Android SDK, for example here:
sudo mkdir /opt/android-sdk
sudo chown $(whoami) /opt/android-sdk
echo export ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk >> ~/.bashrc
Launch Android Studio:
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/tango_ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
After launch, open the Configure -- SDK Manager. From SDK Platforms, install Android 4.4 and 5.1 (API level 19 + 22). From SDK Tools, install NDK
and Android SDK Build-Tools 21.1.2 + 25.0.2 + 25.0.3
Now extend your PATH variable so that ndk-build
can be executed:
echo "export PATH=\{$ANDROID_HOME}/ndk-bundle:\${PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
In Android Studio, choose "Import project" and select the app folder (~/tango_ros_ws/src/tango_ros/TangoRosStreamer
In your file check that the paths to your Android SDK and NDK are set properly. The Gradle set-up relies on the following variables that need to set up. This can be done using the auto-generated file or gradle properties in the HOME folder (~/.gradle/
Plug your device to your desktop and press the green arrow in Android Studio. It will build and install the app on the device.