Diving dinosaurs? Caveats on the use of bone compactness and pFDA for inferring lifestyle.
Contents under revsion.
Contains a slightly modified version of phylo.fda.R: https://github.com/lschmitz/phylo.fda
Install notes:
Depends on: python, r, r studio, julia language, jupyter notebook
Add support for the jupyter notebook julia kernel by installing it from Julia:
import Pkg; Pkg.add("IJulia"); Pkg.add("DataFrames"); Pkg.add("DataFrames"); Pkg.add("CSV"); Pkg.add("RCall"); Pkg.add("Glob");
From R studio, install these additional packages via the IDE, under "Tools" -> "Install Packages"
geomorph phytools geomorph geiger NBClust svgViewR formattable dispRity kader paleotree HDInterval mda qpcR klaR dplyr data.table lattice sjmisc lme4 modelr
Path is assumed to be c:\dino_nature\code; if it's in a different location all source files must have the path replaced with the correct location.
To execute:
- Launch Jupyter notebook as follows:
cd \dino_nature\code
jupyter notebook
Pick the run_or_analyze.ipynb file
Customize the job as desired. It's a good idea to change your output directory after each run, as it will overwrite files if needed if run a second time on the same output directory resulting in unexpected structures.
homeDir = "C:/dino_nature/output/2023-11-10-D4-Run2" # where full analysis folders are (or will be) placed at
boneType = "ribs" # enter "femur" or "ribs"
dataFile = "C:/dino_nature/data/D4_ribs.csv" # bone data file (with path). See above.
applyDataFilter = "FALSE" # enter FALSE (no filter) or filter name. (see auxiliary.r)
addTreeTips = "TRUE" # see explanations
Ntrees = 100 # no of random trees to be generated
calculateTrees = "TRUE" # calculate (TRUE) or read (FALSE) trees
saveTrees = "FALSE" # save (TRUE) trees (if they are calculated here)
Kcrossvalidation = 10 # # of data partitions (K) in a K-fold CV
Nkfoldcv = 10 # how many rounds of k-fold cv is wanted
Nbootstrapsets = 2000 # # of bootstrap sets