This package imports the loan-level historic data into ClickHouse. A single table is built. Time-varying fields are held in nested arrays in this table.
The package performs QA on the data as well as adding a handful of extra fields:
- vintage (e.g. 2010Q2)
- standard - Y/N field, Y = standard process loan
- loan age based on first pay date
- numeric dq field
- reo flag
- property value at origination
- file names from which the loan was loaded
- QA results. There are three sets of fields:
- The nested table qa that has two arrays:
- field. The name of a field that has validation issues.
- cntFail. The number of months for which this field failed qa. For static fields, this value will be 1.
- allFail. An array of field names which failed for qa. For monthly fields, this means the field failed for all months.
The command-line parameters are:
ClickHouse IP address. Default value:
-user <user>
ClickHouse user
-password <password>
ClickHouse password for user. Default value: default
-table <db.table>
ClickHouse table in which to insert the data. Default value: <none>
-create <Y|N>
if Y, then the table is created/reset. Default value: Y
-dir <path>
directory with Freddie Mac text files
-tmp <db>
ClickHouse database to use for temporary tables
- concur <num>
# of concurrent processes to use in loading monthly files. Default value: 1
-memory <numb>
max memory usage by ClickHouse. Default: 40000000000.
-groupby <num>
max_bytes_before_external_groupby ClickHouse parameter. Default: 20000000000.
Since the standard and non-standard data provided by Freddie Mac have the same format, both sets can be imported by this code either as a single table or two tables. To create a single table, run the app with
-create Y
for the first data source (e.g. standard) and
-create N
for the second data source.
A "DESCRIBE" of the table created by this package is yeidls:
The data is available here.