Xio is a Python micro framework for quickly write simple microservices REST based Web applications and APIs.
Xio is builded on concept of resources, app , node and network
The main concept is that everything is resource, a resource is a feature which match an uri and we can interact wich
An app is a root resource used as container for all resources it contain
A node is a app gateway, an app (and so a resource) which provide unique checkpoint for resources delivery Nodes could be linked beetween for create network
A network is a container of nodes and define rules for decentralized backbone of resources
You need Python >= 2.7
pip install xio
Basic app creation
mkdir myfirstapp
cd myfirstapp
vi app.py
Here is an minimalist example of what app.py look like
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*--
import xio
app = xio.app(__name__)
def _(req):
return 'Hello World'
if __name__=='__main__':
start server
./app.py run